Chapter 2

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Remember Greek is in italic

Annabeth POV

In the morning when I woke up, I sat up and blinked. A dreamless sleep was very rare and it felt ominous, like the calm before a storm. But at that moment, snuggled up with my husband, nothing could possibly upset me. Just then Percy turned over. "Morning Wise Girl," he said. I leaned over and kissed him, marveling at how he most definitely did not have morning breath. "Good morning to you to Seaweed brain!" I replied, smiling. For a while we just sat there, cuddling and kissing, enjoying each other's company. 

Eventually, we realised the time and began to get dressed. By the time we got to the mess hall, it had become quite late. So we quickly sacrificed food to the Gods and sat down at the Poseidon table together. After the war, they had changed the rules to ensure that no one would be alone. Almost just as we were finished, a bright flash of light spread across the pavilion. Percy bowed first. "Lady Hecate," he said respectfully. I also bowed. "Rise, children. You do not need to bow anymore. After all, you are Gods now as well," she said. "I am just here to bless you with the knowledge of the Wizarding World that you should have should you have grown up there. She raised her palms and suddenly my head felt overwhelmed with knowledge. I knew about Quidditch, Apparating, so many spells! My head felt like it was bursting and I staggered a bit but after a bit, I was fine again. Percy looked about the same as me. 

Hecate looked impressed, "Most heroes would pass out for a while. You two really are the strongest demigods, or gods now, I suppose, of this age! Anyway, here are your wands. Perseus, yours is 12 and a half inches, made of coral and  Hippocampi scales. No animal was harmed during the making of these wands. And Annabeth yours is ten and three quarter inches,  made of ash and owl feather. So now you both have to go to Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Just think the name and snap your fingers, you should be able to get there. Albus will meet you there and induce you into the Order." 

"Thank you Lady Hecate, we will leave soon," I said as she left in a shower of gold. I rolled my eyes. Gods and their dramatic exits! Oh wait! We're gods too so we can make dramatic exits! Maybe purple smoke. Yeah that would be cool! But maybe blue for Percy? Gah! ADHD. I pulled Percy towards his cabin and told him to pack. Meanwhile, I headed over to the Athena cabin and grabbed a backpack. Then I stuffed some ambrosia, nectar, my sword, a couple of extra daggers, my Yankees cap, a toothbrush, and some clothes along with some drachmas for Iris messages before I went to the Poseidon cabin to get Percy. As expected, his cabin was in shambles and he was sitting in the middle of the mess with a confused expression on his face. His face lit up when he saw me. "Wise Girl! Please help me pack. I don't know what to bring." I rolled my eyes but secretly I was pleased. He still needed me to do the simplest things! He hadn't changed since I first met him. I kissed him and then put in the same things I packed.

Shouldering our backpacks we jogged over to the Big House where all our friends had gathered to see us off. "Pipes, Sparky, you guys are the temporary directors while we're gone. Try not to blow the place up!" joked my seaweed brain. "Sure thing Bro. Although you have to admit that you are more likely to blow it up than me!" retorted Jason. They continued to argue but I tuned them out, instead turning to Hazel, Calypso, and Piper. "Bye Guys, I'm gonna miss you," I said. "Aw, it's ok Annie. You have Percy and we'll IM you every day!" replied Piper. Then we all hugged before I locked arms with Percy and we set off up the hill. At the crest, we turned around and gave one last wave before snapping our fingers and thinking the name 12 Grimmauld Place.

We reappeared in a dark hallway and Percy stumbled, falling down with a crash that echoed. Immediately we heard the sound of hurried footsteps and jumped to our feet, hands on our weapons. Suddenly there were about a dozen people in front of us, all holding out sticks. I stifled a laugh. What were they going to do to us with a stick? Then a man with a lot of scars and a fake eye pointed his stick at us and a red light came out of it. Before I had time to duck, it hit my body. To my surprise, nothing happened. They look surprised too. 

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