Chapter 11

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Shoutout to ashleyk2021 and percabethsokeefe4eva for voting!

Percy POV

I smiled as I put my hand on Wise Girl's belly. We were going to have a baby! Just our luck, that moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. Suddenly I remembered, detention with Harry! "Oh Styx!" I cursed as I went to the door. I hurriedly called out to the others, "Harry has detention! Put all the weapons back into the crates!" before opening the door. I almost felt sorry for the boy. He looked exhausted and there were dark circles under his eyes. By reading his body language, I could tell he was feeling lonely but very angry. I realised that he hadn't eaten much in the last two days. My anger lessened slightly but not by much. I decided on an on the spot punishment. "Good evening Harry. Come in," I said, not coldly but not joyfully either. He nodded curtly to me and stepped in. I couldn't blame him.

"You'll be polishing our weapons today until eight and will be doing so until you finish all the crates then you'll be sharpening," I told him, directing him to the training room. His eyes widened when I showed him the six crates of weapons but he said nothing. I silently applauded him for not wanting to appear weak. "No magic," I added, taking his wand as I exited the room. Going into my room, I was met with the questioning stares of the others. I sighed and explained what had happened two nights ago. They were also angry but Draco said, "I'm angry as well guys. But we have to see where he comes from. Once the two of you came, he lost his friends, he can't play Quidditch, he also can't visit Hagrid. Basically he can't do anything he likes and I know it's not your fault that he's taking it out on you, but we have to help him not punish him."

Many were wide eyed after he finished but Wise Girl nodded thoughtfully. "Drake is right. Of course he should be punished for firing at Neeks and spying, but maybe we should tell him what we are. It might make him understand better," she suggested. Of course there was an immediate cry of protest at this but one person surprisingly abstained. Clarrise. "I agree with Princess. We should tell the punk. He has to lead the war doesn't he? It's best to know our allies," she said, showing some wisdom that was often rare in children of Ares. Everyone seemed to agree with this sentiment except Thalia. "He's a male! He's going to tell someone and our secret will be out!" she argued angrily. "We could make him swear on the river Styx. Calm down Thals," said Reyna, putting a soothing hand on Thalia's shoulder. "Alright, fine. Thanks Rey Rey," Thalia replied, smiling at her. Leo, being Leo, had to wolf whistle and that was not pretty. Let's just say we wouldn't be seeing any Caleo babies anytime soon! I snickered to myself quietly. Then I also realised I had to give Harry some food. It wouldn't do if he started collapsing randomly around school due to lack of food! I quickly summoned some pizza and was about to go in when someone stopped me. "Let me go in," offered Piper. "I don't think he's too happy with you at the moment but I'll tell him you had the idea."

I agreed and Piper entered holding the pizza. I shrugged and went back to the room where everyone was discussing when to tell Harry. "I think we should tell him today," said Will. "To stop him from doing any other stupid things during your lesson tomorrow!" We all agreed so at eight, when I went back to get Harry, I directed him to my room much to his surprise. He was still glaring at me though. When he saw Ginny and Mione, he turned pointedly away from them. We told him to sit down on a chair that Jason conjured. He sat watching us suspiciously. Clarisse growled. "Well, punk. You don't look like much. But then again neither did Prissy here and he has led two wars!" He looked offended by the not looking like much comment but his eyes widened at the part where I led two wars. Wise Girl took a deep breath and began. We told him about us being demigods and all our adventures. He listened raptly, attentive at all times. I studied him. He was determined but uncomfortable being in the spotlight. He would open up to a close group of friends and his trust was difficult to get. Wow. He was exactly like me! Both in features and personality!

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