"Is it just us? I thought Andrea was coming," I ask as I take my seat.

"She is, they are meeting us here in a few. I wanted a chance to talk to you," he said with a straight face.

I furrow my brow immediately.

The waitress comes over and gives us two glasses of water, and two menus and tells us she will be over shortly to take our drink orders. We nod at her politely.

"About what," I asked confused taking a sip of my water. I mean yea we had a lot to talk about, but I don't think any of it was as serious as he was making it seem in this particular moment.

"When we first met I wasn't honest with you," he said and my body froze. "I told you I didn't know anything about our birth mother. I was lying. I wasn't sure if you were ready for the truth since when we met you openly expressed how you wouldn't care for someone who would give up her kids, twins nonetheless," he said sadly.

I sat uncomfortably in my seat. I didn't know if I was ready for this conversation.

"Okay, so what do you know about the woman who abandoned us," I said with a slight attitude.

He looked at me sadly and let out a deep sigh before he began. "Have you never wondered where the money came from? From our trust funds."

"I haven't given it much thought really. I just thought she wanted us to be set just in case we needed to emancipate ourselves or something," I said shrugging my shoulders.

It's not a subject I liked talking about.

To be honest I never wanted to think about it. I didn't understand growing up how a couple who had so much wealth didn't want to take care of their children. I often suppressed the thoughts instead of dealing with them.

"Well, I might as well tell you. When I got curious and started digging into where I came from, I found out more than I bargained for. I hired a private investigator, and he helped me find everything I needed to know, including the fact that I had a fraternal twin sister which led me to find you," He said with a small smile.

"Apparently our birth mother, Serenity was her name, loved us very much. She was very excited to be a mother. Our father had died as soon as she became pregnant so she couldn't wait to welcome us into the world. She didn't have a big family and she wasn't wealthy but she had enough money to keep herself and us happy. During her pregnancy she befriended a man named Gerald Hoge, he was in the same grief group as her after his wife died, he was a very wealthy lawyer. They would meet up outside of the group and hang out fairly often. He was with her through most of her pregnancy, He was even there the day she gave birth."

"I'm so confused. What does this have to do with anything? She still gave us up," I said urging him on.

Just then the waitress comes over asking us for our drink orders. He orders a jack and coke & I teasingly call him an old man. I order a strawberry martini as she ushers away to grab our drinks.

"Please let me finish, it will all make sense in a few," he said as he started again. "Apparently the day she gave birth, had a C-section actually, she held both of us, fed both of us, and sang to us. See she never gave us up. She loved us. She was ready to take us home. Later on in the day, the same day we were born, she continuously told the doctors something wasn't right, she kept telling them she was in pain for hours. The doctors shrugged her off and told her it was probably just the stitches and her body adjusting to the procedure she went through. In the middle of the night while we were all sleeping, She had a pulmonary embolism and died from a blood clot that could have been treated had the doctors listened to her-" he stopped talking as he saw the tears coming out of my eyes. "She suffered before died, she was in pain for hours," he said sadly.

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