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The right to act, speak or think as people want without hindrance or restraint is what pushes people to ensure respect

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The right to act, speak or think as people want without hindrance or restraint is what pushes people to ensure respect. It's also a state of mind called freedom.

It's the absence of any pressure from the social, political and religious environment in which a normal person lives, but freedom is different on my level. It is when you have the power to dictate!


This is an illusion I offered Baby to have, but like any normal peasant, they can never be content with just that. She had to go to the other room and get tempted.

I meant every word when I said I wanted her to win, because my obsession with her had become one of my weaknesses, but as the clock approached midnight and I saw how she would succeed, it just convinced me that I wanted her to be in my life forever.

Seeing her pure determination was true entertainment.

I was very sure that I would lose in this game, the minute she disabled my little insect babies, but the game changed the minute she stepped into that Nanogex lab.

I looked at this broken diamond necklace. A few small diamond pieces were missing. It didn't add up how it took her that long to get out. A real retriever would have gotten away in half an hour. Maybe Peter was right. She isn't the retriever who stole the formula but she was able to take out the worm in my system.

My suspicion is growing close to confirming the real deal. It's only a matter of time and I would really know who else she's working with.

I can't believe she traded that billion-dollar necklace for just two Nanogex IV bags. Either she isn't well-versed in the value of things or she is simply uninterested in possessing them. In any case, she's just where I wanted her.

My assistant, Rich, came into the room carrying his favorite glass tablet that seem to never leaves his hand.

For more than a decade, Rich has been my employee. I spared him from being assassinated by a scumbag politician in his own nation.

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