
"Migraines, regularly. Uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea. Cramps in the top of my abdomen. I was like this for about 3 years. I just ignored it. I know I shouldn't have, but that's in the past now."

"Well, if you hadn't of ignored it, we could have cured you. Now you have to live on pills for the rest of your life."

"What type of pills?"

"For all the symptoms you just mentioned, to clear your intestines out and to kill any unknown bacteria around that area."

"Okay. So is that all I need to know? I was planning on signing myself out. I really hate hospitals." I said.

He smiled warmly and turned a couple of pages and said, "Sign here and I will go get your first course of tablets and then you can be off."

"Thanks Tim."

"Ah, you heard that. No problem. Just one question. What did Harry mean by 'she does that a lot?'" He turned and said.

"Nothing. Just last time, they said I had 14% chance of surviving and I over came it in like 1 hour." I explained like it was something I did everyday. His eyes widened and he froze.

"Well I best be getting your meds then." He said quietly, big blue eyes still wide as he walked out. I just laughed and got dressed into my clothes that had been cleaned and folded and put into a draw next to my bed. I pulled my bag out of another draw and pulled my phone out of that.

On the phone were 20 odd calls and 100's of texts from my sisters. I was shocked. How long had I been here? I called Lexi because she was the most laid back. "Hello?" I heard a raspy voice on the other end.

"Oh, shit." I said checking the time. It said 4am. Lets see if Lexi will lie to me? "What's the time?" I asked.

"Not late. Why do you ask?" She asked, seeming oblivious to the fact that it was me, Isla, on the phone and not one of her friends, and lying about the time.

"You sound terrible. Why? Does Scarlett and Brooke sound the same? Is this because of me?" I asked worried now.

"Wait? ISLA! I didn't recognize you! Are you alright? Are you hurt? Where are you? Why haven't you been answering our calls? We are worried sick!" She screamed. I literally had to pull the phone from my ear because she was that loud.

"Lexi! Calm down. I called you because I thought you would be calmer than Brooke or Scarlett, seems not though. I won't answer any questions until you answer mine! Why do you sound terrible?" I demanded. Lexi sighed.

"We haven't slept for about 2 days because we were worrying about you, you haven't called or text or even emailed. It's what you usually do, oh, and it's 4am. Now. I. Answerer's." She said, calmer but sounding slightly angry.

"I'm not giving you any now, but-"

"NO BUTS! We had a deal!"

"Lexi listen!"

"What?" She snapped.

"I'm getting Paul to send a limo to come and pick you up at 8am. I want to spend a couple of days with you and I have important news to tell you." I said slowly, making sure she wouldn't cut in.

"Okay. I will tell the girls. They aren't sleeping. Love you Isla."

"Love you to Lexi. Goodbye."

Then the line went dead. The moment I shoved my phone back into my pocked Tim came through the door with a big plastic bag. "Here you go. You 18 different types of meds. You have to take most, which is 16, twice a day, once before bed and once when you wake up. The other 2 you have to take three times a day. After your three meals. You will have three square meals a day, right?" He handed me the bag and I looked inside.

"Thanks. Yes, yes I do, don't worry. But. What do I do when I run out?"

"You have to come back for more. Those will last you a month."

"I can't do that."

"Why?" What was this? 21 questions.

"Listen Tim. Thanks for being so nice, but I'm on tour with One Direction. I'm about to become famous myself and start touring. I need to be able to get these where-ever I go." I explained as nicely as possible.

"Okay, then, take this." Tim handed me a card and a piece of paper with his signature and mobile number. "Where-ever you go, you need to call me then show them that card and the signature then you should get what you want."

I was so heart warmed and thankful that I couldn't stop myself. I let the teenage girl inside me out and I run up to him and hugged him tightly. What surprised me was he hugged me back, and tighter. "Good luck Isla." He whispered in my ear.

"Thank you sooooo much Tim. I will not forget, I promise." He just nodded.

I walked to the door and turned around one last time and said, "Really. Thank you. You have saved my life." Then walked out and to the lobby to see the boys and Paul waiting for me.

Complications (One Direction/Harry Styles) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now