Epilogue (part one)

Start from the beginning

"Don't you know that, my love?" I ask again. My knuckles caressing her cheek.

"I don't." She whispers. "To an extent it makes me self conscious that it might be because my weight, or the stretch marks or- or that I haven't waxed or maybe it's cause I'm milking all day  and- and-"

I see fat tear drops rolling down her eyes soaking her pink flushed from frustration cheeks as she leans her head against the backrest of the bed, gently rocking baby Icarus getting him down to sleep.

"I just feel so- so rejected." She whimpers. "I don't like feeling this way. Unwanted. Undesired. Undesired by you!" She accuses. "I just want to go back into having what we had."

"There will never be a time when I wouldn't want you, Bubbles." I reassure. "You know it. You know it, love. And- and, as much as I love you more than anything right now, as much as I desire you more than anything right now, want you more than anything, I can not help but think that what ever I feel will have me out of my control. That I will hurt you-"

Ariel makes a noise of frustration  tears still falling from her eyes. Icarus joins in to the party. Loud shrieks and cries leave his tiny little pair of lings as he throws his little fist here and there, desperate for his mother's attention.

Swiftly as if her life was on peril, Ariel presses the boy to her chest, her wet cheek pressed to his beanie cover head.

"Shh." She whimpers. "Shh. It's okay. Mama is here. Hush now."

Icarus's lung doesn't get tired so he doesn't stop.

"Oh, baby. No!" Ariel whimpers, gently rocking Icarus on her arm. Tears coming down more forcefully from her eyes, as she so desperately tries to stop the cries of our baby. "Shh- don't cry, love-"

"Here. Let me, for a while. Go wash yourself, sí?"" I offer the woman. She let's me, gently placing Icarus to my bare chest as I cup the back of his head standing up.

Ariel, gingerly climbs down from the bed. Her body adorned with a blush pink nightie. Lacy tops making up the cups of her breast. Fine silk cascading down to her knees, almost leaving to the imagination under that material of her nightie.

Fuck, she looked so sexy with everything a mess. Her hair unkempt and her eyes heavy with sleep. Her lips quivering and cheeks flushed. Not from a blush but from utter frustration. Over me.

I slowly pace the length of our room, rocking the little human while he calmed down after a minute. Or ten. I supposed his little lungs has reached their vital capacity and that my little man was getting tired from all the crying.

"You worry your mama way too much." I mumble to the boy who now looked up at me with his large eyes. Water drops still lingering on his eyes. "Yeah. She gets worried even if you turn in your sleep. Yeah. You understand me do you, little man?"

My son made a sound that didn't sound like anything. I pressed his head to my chest again.

"Is he going to sleep?" I asked my wife.

Ariel shook her head padding toward bed, while adjusting her nightgown. She looked annoyed about her dress of choice and quite possibly felt enraged by it.

"Remind me not to wear skimpy slutty nighties if you aren't going to fuck me." She snapped making me sigh once again. "I don't like what I see in the mirror either."

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