𝔎 9.

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𝔍𝔲𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔫'𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔳
"How was it in there? Are you doing okay now?" I ask Diego as we were outside in the front lawn. Hailey and Mrs. Robins were close by watching us talk on the grass.

"It was alright, same shit here. They gave me some medication and gave me these weird shocks on my head. Apparently I have a case of depression so severe that medication won't be able to fix it. So I don't know how long she can handle me for," he replies referring to his wife at the end.

"I'm sorry to hear that Diego," I say and he shrugs his shoulders.

"It's whatever, she swears like she can fix it, I'll have her prove herself right I guess," he replies and I left it at that.

I look to my left, and see all the cars passing by us as we sat on the front yard.

And just like my mind, gates have been built to keep me from escaping elsewhere.

God forbid I ever escape elsewhere.

I would just be dragged right back in.

And be told I need to stay here.

As I'm looking out in the distance, I see her.

She's going to kill you.

She knows where you are.

"Hey did you hear that the new guy Jason might have some personality disorder? Some weird disorder, I can't remember what it is," I hear Diego say as I kept my eyes on her.

"Why are you here?" I whisper as if she could hear me. If only I could go up to her and just strangle her or something.

God I wish she would just disappear.

Get out of my life.

Get out of my god damn head.

Come with me.


Let's go.

"Justin!" Hailey says making me jolt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she apologizes to me.

"Come on we're going back in," she says as she helped me up.

"Did I get my pants dirty?" I ask her as I looked down at my white pants.

"No they're fine," she tells me as she gently ruffled the pants to get rid of any excess grass or loose dirt.

I looked behind myself once more and she was gone of course.

"What are you looking at?" She asks me and I shook my head.

"Just a cat, but it ran off," I say and she nods her head as we were then headed to the house.

I look down at my bare feet that touched the grass.

It felt nice.

I've always loved the nature, the outside, but as of just recently I haven't had time to enjoy it like before. And when I am finding that time, it's on a time crunch like today.

"How does burgers and board games sound for tonight?" Hailey asks me and I nod my head.

"That sounds fun," I say as I was just so worried about her.


"Hey you still owe me $500!" Diego tells Jason.

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