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— 5 months later—

It had been a crazy 5 months.
In that amount of time Meliodas and Elizabeth had gotten married, it was a small wedding but to the two of them that was perfect.

Ban had copied Meliodas, but instead of sacrificing his magic to kill a family member Ban had sacrificed his immortality to fully bring Elaine back to life instead of the hand dead fairy she had started to deteriorate to.

King and Diane was planning their own wedding.

Gowther had gone off to find Mael and help him make andvds as he also thought that it was his fault that it all happened.

As for Merlin and Escanor, well they were as painfully obvious in love as always but neither of them admitted it to each other.


"It's hard ti think that just over a year ago I thought I would never see you again" Elizabeth snuggled up against meliodas in their shared bed, as Elizabeth was blind to that as of yet.

"Mhmm, and very soon you'll maybe be seeing two of me around" Meliodas chuckled as he let his hand glide over Elizabeth stomach.
She was just 3 months pregnant so it barely showed, but nevertheless Merlin had instructed her to not love around too much as nobody knew how her pregnancy would be as she was carrying a half goddess half demon child.

"About that, have you come up with a name yet?"

"It's haaarrd" meliodas whined and leaned his head back as his wife laughed at him.
He had been given the responsibility of making their child, and he had a few ideas but Elizabeth wouldn't help him choose.
"It's the worst..."

Elizabeth brought a hand into his hair and started to massage his scalp.
"Don't sweat it meliodas, you still have 6 months to choose. And if you rest can't come up with something you can just name the baby after your late father as a memory"

"Oh you got jokes huh?" Meliodas chuckled.

Elizabeth nodded and she smiled goofily.
"But all jokes aside, you're going to be an amazing dad, Meliodas" Elizabeth reassured him, knowing that Brunholt just slightly like his own father was Meliodas's worst fear.

Meliodas scanned her face x seeing that she was being completely honest, and seeing as how she knew him better than he knew himself, he believed her, and so he leaned down to plant a kiss on her lips as a thank you.


It had been a long and bloody journey to get to that point, but the way things seemed they found agree that it was worth it.

Elizabeth and meliodas spend the rest of their Lives running the bar, raiding their son, Tristan, and telling him stories of immortality, demons, and love prevailing.



Word count: 511

This was it everyone, the story I almost gave up on has come to an end. Thank you all so much for the love and support.

I hope to see you all in the next Story I write!

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