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Hello everyone, and welcome to the new and improved Eternity lasts forever.
Since the plot will just about be the same the backstory aka the prologue will also be the same.


"You can't be serious... seal away the entire clan?" I shakily asked, If i hadn't listened in on the meeting just now I doubt I would've been informed about it at all.

Ludociel sighed impatiently, while Mael who was standing behind him shot me a worried glance.

"Elizabeth, that is a very private matter" Ludociel finally found an answer to my question.

I quickly sensed that I'd get nowhere with Ludociel, and proceeded to question Mael.

"Please Mael, you have to let me in on this! At least tell me when it'll be activated"

"What? Why do you wanna know when?" Mael questioned, knowing him he had probably thought I was asking because I wanted to help them prepare.

"Because...I- I'm sure there are demons that doesn't deserve such a fate, civilians and children!" I told them my excuse, since I could outright tell them I was in love with the demon kings oldest son.

"Have you not learned!? Demons are filthy creatures! They're all the same!" Ludociel shouted


"No matter what your argument is there is not a demon out there that holds the power to resist the seal. They won't even know what hit them.." Ludociel cut me off.

Hit explanation both confused and terrified me. As did his wicked smile.

"What is that supposed to mean?.." I said lowly.

"It mean that any creature possessing the dark power of a demon will practically be sucked in" (kinda like how the goddess amber necklace works)

"But that's-" I could feel a lump in my throat, and tears forming behind me eyes.

"I will hear nothing more of it! You might be the daughter of the supreme Deity, but you don't have a say in this matter!" Ludociel yelled.
He had clearly had enough of me.

And so I ran, as my tears began to fall.

Meliodas and I meet at heavens theater every Saturday.
That's in 3 days.
But as I don't know when this plan will be carried out, I can only hope he'll make it there.


Never have 3 days passed by slower.
Every day was agony.
Every hour was terrifying.
Every minute was filled with restlessness.

But finally here I was, sitting on top of a piece of rubble in the heavens theater, but I was still restless as Meliodas was late.
It's then that I felt something tug at my heartstrings, and I thought 'I was too late! Was I? Oh god I'm never gonna see him again, never gonna see that wide and adorable grin, those emerald eyes, I'm never gonna hear that laugh that seemed to make everything better again-'

"Yo, sorry for keeping you waiting so long~ my father had me do extra work, he said it-" I suddenly heard him call, and I was immediately freed from my train of thought.

"-OFF!" He let out as i tacked him to the ground, not even giving him the chance to finish his explanation.

Very unlike me, but I was just so happy to see him.


I don't know why him saying my name was what did it, but I just broke down right then and there. Sobbing into his chest.

"Hey...don't cry.." he said in a singing matter.

"Meliodas...I don't know what to do...but if I don't f-figure it out soon..I-I'm going to loose you!" I said in between my sobs.

"Huh? Hey now~ why would you ever loose me?" He Asked.
There was clear confusion in his voice, but most of all I paid notice to his gentle, and sweet he was being.
That alone calmed me down significantly..but I still couldn't help myself from crying as I told him everything that Mael and Ludociel had told me days earlier, all while he continued to sit quietly and listen.




My explanation was finished and we were indulged in a thick silence.
I would've tried to break it but it looked like meliodas was still processing what I'd just told him.

".......coffin of eternal darkness?..that's the best name they could cone up with?..." he said with a laugh that was clearly fake.


"Elizabeth, I know what you're about to say..but it's gonna turn out okay...for the both of us" he said, suddenly turning serious, yet a smile and loving expression remained on his face.

My tears that had stopped a Little while ago began to flow again, at the thought of how fake that hope was.
I just couldn't make myself believe that it was okay... that it would ever be okay.

"How can you say that?"

"Because not matter where i should go, or how long I'll be gone...I'll always return to you. That's a promise I'll keep for all eternity" he promised sincerely and put his forehead against mine.

I was shocked, but more so incredibly touched by Meliodas's promise.
"I love you...and I promise you, that no matter where you go or how long you're gone, I'll keep waiting for you" I countered his promise with my own.

And the last day I spent with Meliodas...


A short while before the demon clan was sealed away, I confronted my mother..the supreme Deity, on the subject, and she found out about my relationship with Meliodas...

"Please mother! I can not live in a world without him! We must find another solution!" Was what I had begged my mother.

Her reply was simple.
"Hmm.. 'can not' you say? Well why don't you try and prove that to me?"

After she'd said those words, my whole world was indulged in pitch black.

When I woke up I was different.
I could feel it.

Later on I would find out that this change in me was the curse of immortality that my mother had placed upon me that day.
...It was my punishment for being in love with a demon...

Word count: 1149

I can't green you just how scared I am of doing this.
I think that because this is already a rewrite I'm terrified of messing something up. I want to make sure I can still look back and like what I wrote 1 month after I did so.
That's like, my standard of good writing.

Eternity lasts forever (rewritten Ver.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz