Chapter 23

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Four days had passed since the presumed end of the new holy war.
Elizabeth had opened the boar hat up again for the most part, but tonight was just for the sins.
They were partying, finally celebrating the end of the war.
What's more, Meliodas had something special planned, however Elizabeth had no idea, so it was weird for her to see Meliodas seemingly anxious and not touching a drop Of alcohol.

"Elizabeth" Meliodas spoke.
"Can we speak outside for a moment?"

Elizabeth had no idea what it could be about, but nevertheless the smiled and agreed.
The others didn't seem to notice as they left.

The boar hat was currently sat on a hill near a forest.
They stood just at the edge of that forest when Meliodas took her hand.
"It's been such a wild adventure since we met again...but I know it's not over, after all every day with you is an adventure" he grinned at her as her cheeks flushed. She remained quiet, letting him go on.
"I want every day, for the rest of both of our lives to be that" he told her and put his hand into his pocket, but this time Elizabeth spoke.

"I'm immortal though" she said saddened. "No matter how long, I'll outlive you"

"Then I'll find a way to break your curse" he told her, confident that he could do so.
He even had a theory as to how.
"But if I should fail, I'd still want to spend the rest of my days by your side"

Elizabeth just smiled, still not understanding where this conversation was going.
He was about to bring his hand out of his pocket, ready to ask Elizabeth an important question, but bad timing, or perhaps it was bad luck, struck.


Meliodas froze.

Gelda flew over next to the two and then landed, completely out of breath.
Elizabeth immediately examined her, checking for any injuries.

"What happened?" Meliodas asked.
"Why are you here? Where's Zel?"

After having caught her breath Gelda began to explain. "your father is acting very strange. He found out about me and Zel, but instead of doing anything about it he use our relationship to for the motivate Zel into becoming the next demon king. I could hardly get a word in... when I left Zel was already beginning his transformation"

"What?!" Meliodas was in shock. Truly that didn't sound like their father.

"I fear that something terrible will happen if Zel is to become the next demon king" Gelda finished off.

Meliodas could only agree with her, so although that night Didn't go as he had planned he was ready to save his younger brother.
He barged into the boar hat.
"Sober up everyone!"


Had Meliodas not been stressed he would've enjoyed throwing ice water on his friends and feeding them egg yolks to sober them up, but he couldn't enjoy it, not with his mind railing with whatever his father was planning to use Zeldris for.

Gelda had spoken directly to Meliodas and told him, almost word for word what the demon king said when he discovered their relationship.
It only made Meliodas all the more sure that something sinister was going on. The demon king wasn't a good man, and he certainly wasn't a good father.

He hoped he'd make it in time


The flight to Camelot feet longer than ever before, at least to those that'd been there, so for Meliodas that had never visited it felt all the more longer. But soon enough thrill arrived to where they knew Camelot should've been. But there was no indications of a large city, it had all been leveled, now loooking like deserted wasteland.

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