Chapter 7

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Third person POV

—Two weeks later—

It had been two weeks since the Vaizel festival.
Since then more and more demons had been appearing and was slowly taking over small villages, causing the humans to bow down to them in fear and do as they commanded.

Due to this Elizabeth and the others had momentarily split up to cover more ground and free more villages.
Right now Elizabeth was in the mining town of Ferson located not too far from Edinburgh hill.
She had demanded that she go there alone as there was a risk of some of the commandments still being nearby.

And right she was.
She had already caught eye of what looked to be many brainwashed towns people, and if her memory didn't fail her that meant that it was either the commandment of selflessness, having wiped everyone memories, thereby leaving them disoriented, or it could be the commandment of piety.
Most likely the latter.

She was walking through the town through the narrow passages and alleyways knowing that was a place she wouldn't be spotted immediately.
Then, she spotted him and her face contorted in pain.
It was Zeldris.
Meliodas's beloved younger brother.
She didn't want to hurt him, but the things he was doing here was wrong, and she had to stop it.
Now was the time to let go of sentimentality.

She saw Zeldris turn and walk her way.
When he passed the alleyway she was in she was gonna jump out.
But just as she was about to a shawl was pulled over her head abs she was dragged backwards further into the shadows.
She elbowed her assaulter in the stomach and heard his groan, but then, before she got free he spoke up.

"Not how I expected our reunion to go, but you were about to do something really stupid weren't you?"
She froze up.
Even after 3000 years she could recognize that voice anywhere.
With slow and shaking movements She turned around in his arms and brushed the shawl away so she could see.

What met her eyes was the green eyes that she'd only been able to dream about for all these years.
That gentle smile that she had missed.
It was him.

"Meliodas.." she whispered in awe as she raised her hand and put it in his cheek.
His eyes softened even more and his smile widened.
"Meliodas!" She was now close to shouting as she jumped him.
In other circumstances he would've reminded her to stay quiet, but even he had forgotten why, he just hugged her back.
Feeling her close to him.
"Meliodas...meliodas!" She chanted as she cried, this time in a whisper.


"I've missed you...oh goodness! I've missed you so much!" She was now sobbing and so Meliodas held onto her even tighter, almost as if she would disappear if he loosened his hold.

"I'm sorry I- took so long.." Meliodas apologized and as he spoke Elizabeth took note of the break in his voice.
He was crying too.

They just sat there in each other's embrace for a while, but then eventually Elizabeth raised her head and planted her hand upon his cheek, then she leaned in, and so, for the first time in 3000 years she was able to share a kiss with her beloved.
However the kiss was broken when they heard zeldris call out for his brother.

Meliodas glanced the way the voice was coming from but then quickly turned back to Elizabeth.
"I'm... I'm sorry I-..." he stuttered but Elizabeth just shook her head with a small smile, she wasn't happy about it but it was the way it was... it was the way it had always been.
Of course, as their love story returned and continued so would the problems they had to deal with 3000 years ago as well.
When zeldris was heard calling once more meliodas grabbed a hold of Elizabeth and kissed her quickly before whispering to her.
"Meet me me by the abandoned tower after nightfall" he told her and so he was immediately off.
Elizabeth gazed after him as he disappeared out of sight.
She still couldn't believe what had just happened, the mere thought of having just reunited with him bright new tears to her eyes.

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