Chapter 13

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The next morning Elizabeth woke up to a pounding headache that told her that she had definitely been drinking last night.
She squeezed her already shut eyes tighter as she brought a hand engulfed in healing magic to her head as she tried to remember the evening before.

The memories hit her like a bucket of ice cold water and her eyes immediately opened only to stare into emerald green.

"Good morning sweetheart" he used a sweet nicknamed, Still not knowing if She was traumatized by their conversation last night.

She stared at him for a while before she pulled the blanket up over her face and started mumbling.
"Oh my goodness i said way too much yesterday and completely broke down I'm such an idiot!"

"Hey hey" he pulled down the blanket and smiled at her well also brushing some strands of hair out of her face.
"You're no idiot, I'm glad you told me and got it off your chest. Now there's no more secrets between us" he grinned.
Elizabeth smiled sweetly at him and nodded her head she leaned forward super in her head in his neck.
"I love you" he told her as he stroked her back.

"I love you more" she mumbled.

"Impossible" he laughed


"hello lovebirds" teasing teasing voice immediately called out to them when they got to the bottom of the stairs.

"good morning Ban" Elizabeth greeted back, ignoring his new nickname for her and Meliodas.

"The two of you got pretty loud last night" and kept on teasing but now Meliodas and Elizabeth froze up.
"Merlin made mine and Elaines room soundproof, maybe she could do that for-"

"Ban! That's enough!" Elaine pulled at his ear and scolded him.

Meliodas and Elizabeth was already flustered but now started defending themselves.
"We didn't do anything!" They yelled at the same time.
Then Elizabeth decided to put an end to this misunderstanding as everyone else slowly began approaching the stairs as well.
She sighed and rubbed her temples.
"Listen, I don't really want to go into details, but I kind of.... broke down last night"

Meliodas put a comforting hand on her shoulder as she looked down.
Bans face immediately contorted in guilt.

"Oh jeez" Ban Sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry guys" he apologized.
Elizabeth and Meliodas had never been angry at him, they had simply been flustered, so they just shrugged it off.

"it's fine, but we should be getting to work" Elizabeth smiled. She always found that when she had a bad day it was distracting to work herself, but of course it wasn't just as a distraction, they had all rest of the earlier day, so now it was time to make a plan and figure out the Ten Commandments next move.


At had already been a long day and it only been a few hours since everyone woke up, but they were stuck, Meliodas had unfortunately revealed and he wasn't a very good brother and didn't know his younger brother very well, so he only had a few ideas as to what his plans could be.
One thing is for certain though, in whatever ways he could, Zeldris what target the seven deadly sins.
Keeping that in mind everyone was told to always be on Guard, and that they were when to get heard loud commotion and Panicked voices outside.

They thought perhaps an attack had commenced, but when they open the door they found that it was something quite different.
They were passing past a small town, but the inhabitants of the town seem to be packing up and leaving.

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