Chapter 14

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"it really is you" Derieri stared daggers at Elizabeth as she came to the realization that it truly Elizabeth in front of her.
It was odd.

"I advice against any attacks Derieri, unless you want to die" Meliodas easily recognized the murderous look Derieri was giving Elizabeth, so he made her know that if she pulled anything, and if she should hurt Elizabeth, she would pay.

"Now meliodas let's wait-" Elizabeth wanted to reason with them.
Aside from Meliodas, Derieri was coincidentally the demon Elizabeth ran into most on the battlefield 3000 years ago. And one day, she had saved her and Monspeet from the archangel mael.

But it would seem that as soon as Derieri noticed Meliodas's presence, she became furious.
"You TRAITOR" Derieri enlarged her prosthetic arm of darkness and lashed out after Meliodas tearing the front part of the boar hat away.

"Hey what is- GAHHH" Hawk who had previous been upstairs came running down due to the commotion, but he quickly regretted it and tried to back step.

"Derieri...easy.." Monspeet finally touched down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder to keep her back. It wasn't that he wanted to negotiate with Elizabeth and Meliodas, rather he just hated to see you Derieri get so worked up and frustrated.

Derieri looked up at him, A peaceful expression on her face, but soon it changed back to what it was before.
"LIKE HELL I WILL TAKE IT EASY" she broke away from Monspeet and once again charged with full speed towards Meliodas.
This time however she was stopped dead in her track, because she got enveloped in one of Elizabeth's arcs.

"i'm sorry Derieri but I can't allow you to hurt him!" Elizabeth apologized as she with a swipe of her fingers sent Derieri, still locked in the arc flying into the forest breaking every tree in her path until she was out of view.
And of course Monspeet had charged right after.

"that won't hold them for long you know" Meliodas told her, and she nodded as a reply.
She hadn't thought they would come out here and start fighting with them, so in truth she had no idea what to do.
She just knew she had bought them a little time...very little.

"D-don't worry I- ...I will protect you two!" Hawk stammered, in truth he could barely stand, he was terrified, and so the couple merely sweat dropped at him.

Then it happened, Derieri was back with newfound rage, but she didn't focus her attack on the couple or Hawk, rather she gave a huge punch into the side of mama Hawk and she started falling onto her side.
No words needed to be said for the three to flee what could only be described as a sinking ship.

"MOOOMMMM!!!" Hawk cried as Meliodas scooped him up under his arm and jumped off.
Meliodas sat Hawk down as soon as he landed on the ground next to Elizabeth, and then he looked up only in time to block one of Derieri's punches before he heard Monspeet cast a spell.
The next moment a fireball was hurdling towards them and Meliodas knew there was only one thing he could do to end this.

He gritted his teeth before he took grabbed the sword Elizabeth had fastened on her side, which he had to use cause he didn't have his own.
"Full counter!!" Meliodas shot the fire back and watched with guilt as Monspeet hugged Derieri close as they were enveloped in the flames.

Moments later they crashed to the ground, blackened by ashes and covered in wounds.
They both seemed to be unconscious, but unbeknownst to Meliodas and Elizabeth they were both for the conscious, but because of the injury so I didn't have the strength to move.

Elizabeth stepped closer and then a white light started flowing from Elizabeth's hands.

"What are you-" Meliodas was flabbergasted.

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