Chapter 20

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Meliodas and Elizabeth had experienced this all before. The stench of blood and the bodies of their comrade littered all around the battlefield.

Liones had gathered their army fast and had immediately gone to war with the demons, but of course the humans was supported by the giants and the fairies alike, but even so, the demons had the upper hand.

There was huge amounts of the foot soldier demons, some being far more dangerous as others, and then there was the albions that seemed to dominate the battlefield with their enormous size and high power levels.
Only a few amount of people found actually take on the albions, and some of them was Meliodas and Elizabeth, but Elizabeth chose to play a supporting role as much as she could, healing all the injured around her.
So she let Meliodas along with others fight.

Done of those others was Monspeet, Derieri, and even fraudrin wjod come forward to say he wanted to repent, but of Course he was watched closely by Griamore and Dreyfus who still didn't know how to feel about it all.

"Do you think any higher classes are gonna show up?" A few knights called to the demons on their side hoping that they might have an answer.

Meliodas was the one to turn to him and answer.
"Im not sure actually..."

"There's something ominous about this. It's almost too easy" Derieri connected, talking to herself more than to anyone around.

"Too easy?!" The knight was shocked. For him this was the toughest battle of his entire life.
He was just glad that they on his side.

Elizabeth then joined the conversation as Meliodas flew off to deal with another Albion in the distance.
"What do you mean Derieri?"

"I'm not sure...there's just something in the air?"

Elizabeth agreed with her but she had simply thought that the ominous feeling was because they were literally fighting in a war at that being moment.

"Shouldn't there be any high ranked demons? Like Estarossa or Melascula? Zeldris even?"

"Maybe they're protecting zeldris?"



The battle had continued for many hours since that one conversation, and the longer the time pass them on Elizabeth begin to understand what Derieri meant.
it was a ominous feeling in the air that's almost put a lingering taste on her tongue.

But she had no idea what cound be causing it.

"Lady Elizabeth!" Howzer, one of her friends and the current acting grand master rode over to her on his horse.
"To the south! The entire army had been wiped out, almost instantly!"

"What?" Elizabeth gasped.
She didn't understand it, from what she had sensed there wasn't as many demons in the south, which was why the army was focusing most of their efforts here.
"Do you know what caused it?"

"No i have no idea..." he shook his head. "I was hoping you did"

"I-" Elizabeth started but was interrupted by Derieri.

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