Chapter 11

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"Where in the world did that boy go off to..." Meliodas sighed as he's banned their tiny makeshift camp. He had gone off to get a report from Estarossa whom he sensed near, and now that he returned Zeldris was nowhere to be found.
"It isn't like him to just disappear like this.." Meliodas grew increasingly worried.
Zeldris was strong, so it was unlikely that he had been taken in some way, but it certainly wasn't impossible.

He began scanning the camp closer for any hints of a battle, but then as he took a step he heard a rust Je under his boot and when he looked down he saw a piece of paper.
He picked it up and what was written on it knocked the wind out of him.
"I know your secret, brother" is what it read.


"Zeldris?" Elizabeth voice shakes as Zeldris the one who had apparently to set this trip up for them came closer and closer to them.

He gritted his teeth as he spoke. " we have never met and yet you know my name, I suppose my brother has told you about me"
As if she had been punched in the hit Elizabeth stumbled a step back, but before she could come up with a lie Zeldris continued.
"yeah that's right, I know of your little romance..." his already obsidian eyes seemed to turn even darker with a deep hatred.
"You have corrupted my older brother!" With that should he unsheathed his sword and charged.

Elizabeth wasn't sure of to do, she was completely frozen, something very rare of her.
Hadn't it been for King shooting his increased chastiefol causing Zeldris to momentarily halt she would've been struck by Zeldris.
"Captain! I don't really know what this is about but you need to get it together!" King shouted at her and that seemed to bring her out of her haze.

"I won't lie... you seem to already know it all" he confessed and that simple act only made Zeldris even more furious.

"He's my brother!! And yet he chooses you? A goddess?! Why?! WHY?!" He shouted and everyone who heard it thought the same thing.

'He's desperate and sad'

But what could they do, none of them knew him well enough to be able to comfort him.

"Dies Irae!!" He suddenly shouted to the heavens and raised his sword.

"Shit!" Elizabeth cursed as purple light shined upon them.
"Everyone move!"

In an instant a lightning struck out of the portal above them and into the ground they had all previously been standing on. They were all lucky, because they all managed to move out of the way.
However that attack had more to give as the shockwave created a stone slide that Diane just managed to stop. Had she not it wouldn't level crushed everyone. Including zeldris who could've done nothing to protect gonna from it.

"Stop it Zeldris! You're gonna get yourself killed!" Elizabeth shouted desperately to Zeldris, but he himself was in such a desperate and angry state that it was as if he didn't hear her.
She knew she should be fighting back, after all he was clearly out to kill her and everyone else, but he was Meliodas's brother, and even though he didn't know himself, she knew how important he was to Meliodas.
The day where she was about to hurt him, just before she reunited with Meliodas was behind her. With Meliodas's smile clearer in her head than ever before in last 3000 she couldn't imagine doing anything to make his smile disappear.

"Cap'n! We have to fight back! He's gonna get us all killed!" Ban yelled.

Elizabeth remained silent.

"Tch! If you're not gonna do anything then we will!" Ban yelled and actives his magical ability, snatch, trying to take Zeldris's sword from him.
But zeldris kept a good grip, Bab couldn't get it away from him.

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