Chapter 4

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Third person POV

Everyone was back at the boar hat as it moved to its next location.
Everyone had decided to keep up their regular routine of being a regular bar until they had established a plan to go up against the demons.
However it was not easy acting like everything was okay.

Hendrickson and Gilthunder was having a drink provided to them by Elizabeth.
Griamore was upstairs taking a well deserved nap.
Slader was polishing his sword in silence.
Arthur was also asleep upstairs.
Merlin sat in a chair in silence with her eyes closed in concentration, and Elizabeth was wiping the bar counter clean.
As for Hawk, he was eating some mediocre scraps.

Then out of the blue Merlin let out a tiny gasp.
"Good news Sissy" she said and turned to Elizabeth
"I just located him"

Everyone turned their heads towards Merlin.
Having had a few conversations about Escanor since they began this new journey they would imagine he was who she was referring to, after all they had said it was time to go looking for him, but they simply hadn't known how to.

"You're sure?" Elizabeth asked seriously.

"Yes" Merlin nodded. "his current power level is 50,055. Hold on now it's 60.000. His power level is rising with every moment"

"There's no question, that's Escanor" Elizabeth said still very serious as she looked out of the window.
It was almost noon.
After noon Escanors power would begin to dwindle once again, slowly of course, but that meant they had to pin point his location quickly.

"I'm already on it" Merlin said, knowing what Elizabeth had wanted to ask of her.
She focused on her sacred treasure Aldan.
Then she furrowed her brows.
"I can't seem to pin point his exact location. I'll need more time"

"How long?"

"It's hard to say... but it should be no more than an hour"
But then, after a few minutes Merlin squinted.
"wait..." she mumbled and seemed to begin focusing even more magic into Aldan.
It was dead quiet, but then she let out a groan.
"He's out of my range. I can no longer sense him"

"That fast!?" Howzer was shocked.
He knew Merlin had a Long range of magic and never having met Escanor before he thought it impossible.

Elizabeth also sighed.
In his daytime form nothing was impossible for him.
But she couldn't help but wonder why  he had suddenly taken such a leap.

"unfortunately it can't be helped..we can just hope that we will be able to sense him again tomorrow" Elizabeth said tiredly.
"Until then we hold the course"


After having lost Escanor's signal everyone had gone back to what they were doing beforehand.
Griamore and Arthur had also come back down.

Hawk was outside talking with him mom, but suddenly he came running in with a panicked look in his eyes.

"Elizabeth! Something weird is going on!" He cried and everyone turned to him.

Elizabeth ran over to him, kneeled down and put a hand on his head to try and calm him down.
"What's wrong Hawk?"

"Look outside!" He continued and Elizabeth looked out the window and as she did she saw a piece of paper fly by.
She ran out of the boar hat and as Hawk had said something strange really was going on.
There was fliers falling from the sky.

She looked up just in time to see a blue demon fly overhead and drop another round of fliers.
She quickly grabbed one of them out of the air and went back inside, not wanting to fight the demons if they should notice her.

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