Chapter 17

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—1 month later—

Nobody truly knew if they should describe the month that had passed as hectic, or as incredibly uneventful.
Perhaps it was both.

Everyone was still on high alert after the attack on liones, fearing the future, and the purple demon in the dungeon.
But then being on high alert only caused problems, some knights were showing increasing levels of stress and was becoming aggressive, which of course was meaningless as nothing had happened, nor were there signs of something big going down.

It was no different in Camelot castle where Zeldris kept on sitting. Sitting and waiting.
The missing commandments had yet to make an appearance, making Zeldris begin to think that they too had died in some way.
As for Estarossa, luckily he was doing better, but had yet to regain consciousness.
But that was about to change.


"¿ɟןǝsɹnoʎ ʎq ןןɐ ǝɹǝɥ ƃuıʇʇıs noʎ ǝɹɐ ʎɥM" what a sweet voice that was. But who was it?
Their face...
it was all blurry

"¿uıɐƃɐ ɹǝɥʇoɹq ƃıq ɹnoʎ ɥʇıʍ ʇɥƃıɟ ɐ uı ʇǝƃ noʎ pıᗡ" there she was again.

" ʇno ʞɹoʍ ןןɐ ןןıʍ ʇı ǝɹns ɯ'I £%#€ ʎɹɹoʍ ʇ'uoᗡ" who?...

"Come" her face finally morphed into something recognizable.
The goddess, Elizabeth, a smile on her face and her hand extended out.

Estarossa's eyes shot open.
He was finally conscious, but immediately gasping for air, so he sat up and gasped as he realized he had been laying in when looked like a coffin filled with glowing waters.
He looked down at his hand. The hand he would've extended to the goddess.
But why did he gave such a dream? He had never even met her before, he had only had her described by others.
"Finally awake I see" he heard the snickering tone of Peronia who he found only imagine had been the one to bring him back from the brink of death.

At the memory of that experience, his dream of the goddess was momentarily forgotten as he clenched his fists. Ashamed by how incredibly he had lost against a mere human.

"Peronia, how is everything?" He asked through clenched teeth. Had they lost the battle of liones?

"Mmmmm, you've been gone a month but nothing want exciting has happened since"

He chose to ignore the fact that she thought of his near death experience as exciting. Instead he was still focusing on the battle, which to him had only been over for a few seconds, But by being told that he can go in one month you have course came to the conclusion that he had been in a lengthy comb But by being told that he can go in one month you have course came to the conclusion that he had been in a lengthy coma.
"The battle Peronia! Who won? Who...lost?"

"Oh, we lost"

Estarossa simply let out a loud groan as he finally pushed himself up to stand.
The cold quickly reached him as he realized he was in fact naked.
"Fetch me my clothes"


Zeldris's say had only become worse when his father contacted him for some reason, going over the fact that since Meliodas had left, it was up to zeldris to prepare to be king, as he had always wished for.

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