Chapter 16

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Meliodas was walking through the castle's courtyard, trying to find a passage underground.
A few times he even stepped hard on a the tiles to see if it should fall into a underground room. But there was nothing. He was sure it was probably a secret for the royal family to keep. But he wanted it.
So in a last effort he activated hell blaze and shot it at the ground in one particular spout.
When The dust settled have a staircase could be seen leading on the ground, he brushed away the rubble laying on the steps so he didn't trip.

Torches lit up on their own as he went down the staircase. It was a horrible feeling. The closer he got the more sure he became.
Then finally after a couple of minutes of walking down the Tim be lit on the ground all the way, he stood before a strange relic.
A horn.
But from that horn streamed out a magic that he was far too familiar with.
His eyes narrowed and his fist last clenched.
"Show yourself" he told the horn that then after a Short pause lit up in a dull pink shine.

"What do you want, demon scum?" A smooth voiced lady asked from within the horn.
Her voice echoed off of the walls, Making it seem like Meliodas was surrounded by her. But he didn't waver.

He had to hold himself back from destroying the horn in that very instant, but being reminded of how little he was in control when he raged he took a deep breathe, getting his his emotions under control.
"I want you to free Elizabeth from the curse you've so cruelly put her under" he told her evenly.

The voice, now confirmed to be the supreme deity within the horn just laughed at his request.

"This is no laughing matter" he told her matter of factly, but then, instead of anger he felt sadness well up inside of him.
"How cound you do this to her? Do you know how much she's been suffering!?"

"Of course i do, I have been watching her very closely, and with that I can say that she deserves all of it"

"What?! Just because she fell in love with a demon? Just because of me?!" He stepped forward and yelled, his voice nearly broke.

"That foolish daughter of mine defiled the most sacred rule of our people, and it showed, are you aware of how many demon she spared in battle street she had her little...romance with you?" The supreme deity scoffed, he found practically see the look on her face.

"I'm not aware" Meliodas smiled "but I'm not surprised. Elizabeth is the kindest soul I've ever met, much better than any other goddess, or demon...she could've been the one to end that war"

"She, and you both are, and were naive, Elizabeth would've ruined every had I allowed her to continue"

"You make me sick" he shook his head, hating the supreme deity, but also pitying her.
Such a sad existence she was.

"of course I knew there was no talking sense into you, but I had to try....for her sake....and for her sake...." he created a fireball in his hand as his eyes turned obsidian and his demon Mark bled into existence ok his forehead.
"I will ensure that Elizabeth will never have to be hurt by your words ever again!" He threw the fireball at the horn and the supreme surety began to as her vessel went up in flames.

He watched unmoving as the horn crumbled, but just before the light vanished he heard her laugh at him once more.
Then, he just continued to stand there watching the remnants of the horn as the dust settled around him.
And still, despite having broke off the supreme deity's connection with the mortal plane, he thought that it still wasn't enough.

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