Chapter 25

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Just as Meliodas had suspected there was a party that very sane night, and Gelda had even convinced Zeldris to go to the party.

"You actually came!" Meliodas was the first to greet them, by embracing Zeldris who stiffened as they sudden contact.

"Well...Gelda forced me to" Zeldris said honestly the nice Meliodas had let go, his answer made Gelda give him a flick on his ear which made him wince.

"Awh I kind of feel bad, I don't want you to be in a situation you don't want to be in" Meliodas said, his smile faltering as he rubbed the back of his neck thinking of a way to fix this situation.

Then it clicked.

"Oh I've got it! How about we go get that drink? Just the two of us?"

Zeldris was slightly taken aback but he actually liked the idea very much. He turned his head to his lover to ask for permission, of course she gave him a look that said "you better say yes"
And so Zeldris nodded slightly looking at Meliodas from the corner of his eyes.

"Awesome! Wait a second I'll get us a drink! I'm sure you'll like it it's the absolute best!" Meliodas said as he walked backwards over to the bar to grab two bottles of ale.

Zeldris perked up at his words
'"the absolute best"? Does that mean it's his favorite?' Zeldris wondered.
He always wished that he could have spoken to his brother some more. Gotten to know him before everything went downhill. Maybe then he wouldn't have been as distraught.
"Here! C'mon!" Meliodas was suddenly back and was pushing Zeldris out the door.
Zeldris looked over his shoulder one final time seeing Gelda giving him a smug smirk.

"Where are we even going?!"

"Just out" Meliodas chuckled an answer to Zeldris slightly panicked question.

The boar hat was currently sitting on top of a large hill just outside of the capital of Liones, and Meliodas knew there was a small rock formation they could go to not far away.


After having walked a few minutes in comfortable silence they finally made it to the small rock formation.
Meliodas sat down on one of the rocks and neatly balanced the two bottles of ale on another rock beside him before gesturing to Zeldris to sit down, which he hesitantly did on a rock opposite of Meliodas.

Meliodas had thought that he could come up with something to say What were alone, but he was stuck.
There was a thousand things he wanted to tell Zeldris, but he had no idea where to even begin.

"Thank you..."

"What?" Meliodas tilted his head confused by Zeldris's sudden gratitude.

"For coming to save me...despite everything I said"

Meliodas was in awe, so he sat in silence watching Zeldris's face flush.

Finally Meliodas was able to collect his thoughts and words. "I'll always come to the rescue Zel. Whenever you need me...that's what big brothers are for"

Zeldris nodded.
"But she's still most important"


"It wasn't meant like that..." Zeldris sighed. "It was a statement...I know of course, because you love her"

"I love you too"

Zeldris's face flushed a rose colored red.
"Yeah but!-" he said loudly. "She's the one you're gonna spend the rest of your life with! That's what I meant! Now let's just change the subject!" He shit himself up by drinking his ale.

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