23. Good luck

546 22 18

CW/TW: swearing

Quackity POV:

I don't remember how many days it had been since I had seen my friends last. Their faces were blurs in my memory. I so desperately wanted to see them again. I really did.

Charlie died yesterday. Schlatt pulled the trigger, literally. I watched it happen. All my life I've been told stories of these things happening, even witnessing it myself from a safe distance, but never had I seen it this close. It was mortifying.

Now only Schlatt and I were alive in the huge house. Any other zombie was killed on sight. Even after yesterday's events Schlatt still won't trust me with a weapon. Now I stand defenseless against a man who has full control over my life right now.

I couldn't leave, I was too scared to. I sat in one of the random bedrooms that was in the horrid place and lay down on the bed. I needed to sleep. I hadn't slept in over forty-eight hours.

I turned to see if the clock on the wall was still working. It was, and read 2:47 am. God I needed to sleep. And that's what I did.

I opened my eyes in a place that was all too familiar to me. The field. I hated the field, I really did, but this time felt different.

From where I stood in the field I saw a house about a quarter mile north, so I started walking towards it.

What felt like seconds later I reached the building. The house had a giant willow tree in front of it, and a small bench in front of that. I walked to go into the house, not really caring if it belonged to anybody important.

The interior was just covered wall to wall with pictures. Intrigued, I walked over to see who, or what was in them. And to my own surprise, I was, along with Karl and Sapnap.

One of the pictures we were in a boat, or two of us at least, Sapnap was still hanging on, laughing with us. I didn't recognize the lake we were on, but I didn't seem to recognize much these days.

I turned to another picture and it was a picture of all of us in suits. We all looked happy, holding onto each other like we were the others lifelines. The weirdest thing to mention were the rings on our fingers. Seeing that made me look at the setting of the picture. And oh god.

We were married.

I felt a weird, like I was being confronted with something that I knew I had done, but kind of forgot. Feelings rushed back, making me remember my embarrassing crush on Karl I had a year ago. And my sick twisted mind had made us get married. Not just us, but also dragging Sapnap into this as well.

I started think more into this. Was I attracted to Karl, probably. But Sapnap, I don't know.

"The final third." A voice that sounded oddly familiar to me said. I turned to see a boy with a mask on his face, it had a smile on it. Kind of creepy.

"What do you mean?" I asked it. "You know what I mean. Fate is never wrong. The other two already visited this place, they just didn't realize what the pictures meant before you came along. They were just confused, they brushed over the second picture you looked at, never even stopping to glance at it. But you did." He said.

"The sad thing is that you cannot be together in this life. You are close to your end Quackity, and so are your lovers. You will be together in the next, how long that will be, I don't know. All I know is soon." He looked me in the eyes and said his final words.

"Good luck."

I sprung up in my bed. It had to be fake. All that had to be fake. I didn't like Karl or Sapnap like that. Well, maybe. I don't know. It was confusing. Why did everything that green thing had to say have to be confusing and cryptic?

I got out of bed and started to walk around the halls stupidly. I walked throughout the dark, trying to not let my thoughts get ahold of me. But alas they did.

A noise came from behind me, I swiped my arm around and knocked a vase over onto the ground, causing a loud clatter of glass. The figure walking towards me was one of them. Fuck. I started running, and it did the very same.

I ran throughout several corridors, eventually circling back around to where I had come from, only to be met with Schlatt holding his gun at the ready.

"Did you make the noise that woke me up?" He yelled. I didn't know what to answer. "Answer me!" He continued.

I turned back around to run only to be met with the claws of the dead that had chased me. It's mark had ranged from the top of my eyebrow, though my eye and to my lip. I was dead, or dying at least.

I guess cryptic boy was right, I was going to die soon. I never thought that this would be the way I would do though. And in a way, I was right.

Gunshots wrung throughout the hall, and suddenly everything went silent, and my vision dark.

I had died.

And I never even got to say goodbye.

So this is it.


Word count: 929

The beginning of the end

Survivors Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora