6. You have nothing to be sorry for Q

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Two chapters in one day? Wow

Karl POV:

When Quackity started screaming in his sleep I though he was dying.

He was screaming about how he needed help from anyone, anyone. And I wanted to help so badly but he wasn't waking up. I was so scared.

"Quackity!" I yelled. "Quackity wake up! Please your safe! Please!" I was in tears trying to wake him up, I was shaking him at this point trying to get him to open his eyes, do do something that wasn't scream for help. Nothing.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Sapnap with worry in his eyes. "I'm scared." I said as tear fell down my face like water at Niagara Falls. "I know." Sapnap held me to his chest despite only knowing me for about twenty four hours, and he comforted me while me best friend, lay screaming in the floor in possible pain.

"What's going on?" I heard Dream ask half asleep. "Quackity won't wake up from a terror and Karl's scared." Sapnap replied, I just kept sobbing.

What if Quackity died in his sleep. I couldn't lose him. Not after my brother, I couldn't handle that.

The screaming stopped.

The mall was warily quiet for the first time in minutes. Quackity has stopped screaming.

I turned to see him and he sat up in his make shift bed, sweating, tears glistening in his eyes, trying to breathe.

"You Alright Quackity?" George asked rubbing his eyes.

Quackity just sat there staring at his hands, trying to breathe.

"Quackity, Quackity. Please Alright, breathe, slowly, okay. Count to ten in your head and I will count with you. Alright what did you see in your dreams?" Sapnap asked him.

Quackity looked so sad and in pain I wanted to hug him and tell it'll get better.


I watched as Quackity slowly began to breathe somewhat normally again. He turned to me and said my name.

"I saw it. I saw the green angel."

I was in shock. My memory flooded back to last week when the incident happened with my dream. I had remember how terrifying it had looked. It's voice booming, loud and demonic as it was it was weirdly comforting in a way.

"Where?" I asked.

"A flower field." He replied.

George, Dream, and Sapnap looked at us, confused.

It was the same flower field, or at least I'm guessing it was.

"What did it say?"

"It said that it had asked you if you remembered it, and that you had denied it. It said that it saw you more comfortably than you were in real life, or at least that's what it guessed. I don't know. It asked me if I remembered it. I shook my head and running. I kept on running Karl. I couldn't run anymore. Everything hurt." Quackity was in tears.

I moved over to him and hugged him, holding him in a tight embrace with no means to let him go without knowing that he's okay.

"Was there anything else?" George asked from somewhere behind us.

Quackity nodded.

"I was in a city, it was really bright. There were a lot of people there. I tried to get out of the city, but the people became dead. They chased me throughout the city, but when I got the the flower field they were gone." He whispered quietly on my shoulder, shaking.

My heart ached for my friend. He saw more than I did. I wish I had seen what he saw. I wish we could share that same pain, but we didn't.

"It's okay Q." I whispered, hugging him tighter if that was even possible at this point. "It's okay."

After about an hour of Quackity calming down after his dream, we headed back to the car. Not wanting the undead to hear Quackitys screams and come running over to kill us all.

Dream drive this time, instead of Sapnap, much to his protest. George sat in the passenger seat, leaving Sapnap, Quackity, and I confined to the backseat. Spans to my left and Q to my right.

We drove through the night looking to see if there were anywhere else we could hide out safely.

It was sunrise when Quackity said something again.

He tapped my shoulder, "I'm sorry." I shook my head. "You have nothing to be sorry for Q. It was a dream and you were scared, you had ever right to be scared. It's not your fault that you started screaming." I replied, trying to reassure my friend.

He shuffled his feet. "I know, but, I was the one that made it unsafe for us to stay there Karl. They probably hate me now." I frowned.

"They don't hate you Quackster. And off they make you leave, I'll leave with you. I'll never leave you alone Q, never."

And with that we got back into the car and drove off with the others and kept looking for a safe place to hide.


Word count: 836

Is that foreshadowing I smell?

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