10. Oh, hes in the other room with the nukes

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CW/TW: swearing

Dream POV:

We made it to Arkansas. After a few days of bickering with the others over who got to drive and after killing a few zombies, we were actually doing pretty well.

Karl and Quackity's dreams had ceased. I felt for them. I had night terrors every night for five years when I was around ten to fifteen. And they stopped. I don't remember how or why, but they stopped.

And I hope their dreams stop too.

I look over at Sapnap who had taken control of driving. The car stopped. Fuck.

"I knew this would happen at some point." He grumbled, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the vehicle. I sighed. I knew it too, I think we all did.

"Why now of all places. We are in the woods. We're going to mauled by a bear or something." George huffed, copying Sapnap.

"Or a zombie bear, you gotta open up your option here George. The world is your oyster." Quackity chimes in, grinning.

George slammed his door.

"Okay George no need to be rude." Quackity mutters, following Karl out of the car, and I did the same.

"It's run out of gas. I don't think there's a working gas station within ten miles of here that we could get to. Even at that I know for a fact none of us are going to walk ten miles." Sapnap said pacing in circles.

"So what do we do now. Wait to die?" Karl asked, folding his arms over his chest.

"I say we walk until we find shelter, stay there for the night and keep walking." I replied. Everyone seemed to get the plan and nodded.

So we started walking.

The woods were dark. Very little light was able to peak out from the leaves, leaving an ominous feeling for all.

"On a scale of one to ten, how likely are we going to die right now?" Karl asked, looking at Sapnap. "Don't worry about it Karl Q and I will keep you safe." He responded, I looked over at Quackity who nodded in agreement.

"I would never let you die Karlos, you go down I go down too." He said smiling somewhat painfully. Karl only nodded.

We walked for what felt like hours until we saw a chain link fence with a huge warning sign. It read: DANGER. How cute, it thinks we care.

I cloned the fence and looked back at the others who just pointed at a whole in the fence. "You know you could've gone through that right? Jumping the fence was unnecessary." George said. "And?" I replied, sticking my young out at him.

They went through the hole in the fence and we continued walking towards the 'dangerous' building the sign warned us about.

The building was grey and looked like a factory of some sort, or like one of those abandoned government workshops.

We walked around until we found a door. The building on the inside was so much worse than it's exterior. On the outside vines and greenery overtook the building but on the inside everything was empty. Blank, like a sheet of paper. And it made me uncomfortable.

We kept walking, Karl kept tripping over random thing that reside on the ground. "Sorry." He said, as he tripped again. "You're good." The rest of us replied at the same time.

We walked through the building until we were met with a door that had those plastic flaps that were like the ones that led to the storage room in the store.

We walked in and were met with three people.

One boy was tall with brown hair , standing next to a small child, I didn't like children. The child himself had dark brown hair, and piercing green eyes that could look into your soul. The third boy was also y'all, and had golden blonde hair, he sat away from the other two though. I wonder why.

"Who are you?" I ask.
"What do you mean who are you? Who the fuck are you?" The blonde boy asks back in a rather rude manner.
"I'm Dream." I replied, "and this is George, Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl."

The blonde boy nodded. "I'm Tommy, he's Ranboo, and the child is Michael."

Ranboo and Michael waved at us.

"I'm guessing there's only three of you?" I ask. "God no. I couldn't handle being with Ranboo, he stole my best friend from me you know. Oh, he's in the other room with the nukes. The other person with us. His name is Tubbo. Don't ask him about the first one on the left. It's name is Robert and it's his least favorite." Tommy responded.

I was so confused.

"Nukes?" Quackity Asked. "Like nuclear weapons." Tommy nodded. "Yeah. He started naming them, told him not to get too attached to them. But we've been here for about a week now, so I guess that's given him time to gain favorites and leasts." He replied.

I nodded. I walked through the door that Tommy pointed too, the one with the nukes and much to my surprise, a boy who looked significantly shorter than his friends, Tubbo, sat amongst the Nukes, with a big grin on his face.

He waved at me and said, "hello!"


Word count: 884

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