22. Again

543 24 14

CW/TW: blood

Dream POV:

Sapnap and Karl stared at me. I brought my hand up to my face and touched the bridge of my nose. Blood. My memory flooded back to when I got tackled by the zombie and it had swiped at my face. I must have been too in the moment to realize it had scratched me.

Now I'm dead. And I'm going to hurt everyone here. The guards that watched us out beyond the gate braved me by my wrists and dragged me away from the others.

The guards told me they were going to put me in a holding cell for the rest of the day, so when I fully turn they'll just put me out of my misery then. But why not now.

"Just shoot me." I pleaded. They stayed stone faced. "Please. I don't want to go through that. Just shoot me now. Please." Still no reply.

They dragged me throughout the boarded up town until they reached a small house. One of the two guards walked away and opened up what I'm assuming was a cellar under the house.

He swung open its doors and hauled me in there. Dropping me on the cold concrete floor before promptly leaving me alone. In the dark.

I was never a fan of the dark. It always scared me growing up. One time there was a really bad storm and we lost power. I was maybe fourteen at the time and was home alone. Trees were falling around my area, their shadows moving quickly and darkly across the walls.

When ever I was in the dark I always saw a figure. It looked kind of like me, only with a smiley face mask and it's hand was always extended out to me, like it wanted me to take it. I never did. I was too afraid.

Now I'm stuck, waiting to turn into a monster just to be shot right after. Amazing. I started thinking of my will in my head.

To mom, thank you for always understanding everything I was going through. Thank you for being there. Same to you dad. I love you guys.

To Drista, I'm sorry for cutting your hair that one time, I still feel horrible about it. I'd let you cut my hair to make it up to you, but I'm going to die right now anyways so what's the point.

To Sapnap, thank you for being my friend for all these years, you were the best friend anybody could ever ask for. I hope you survive all of this, and I hope you get to be happy, you deserve it. Also tell Karl you like him. Don't be dumb.

To George, I love you. Never change gogy, never change. And when you wake up, or if you ever do; I hope Karl and Sapnap lie. I don't want you to think that I became a monster. I really don't.

I smiled contently, leaning back against the wall and closed my eyes and let the dead take me.

Only it didn't happen.

I woke up I don't know how long after, only to be face to face with one of the guards. He sad short brown hair and for rectangle glasses, and had a higher pitched voice than most guys u knew.

"Skeppy, he's not dead. How is he not dead, I don't get it?" He said turning to face the other guard, Skeppy.

"Well Bad, all you would have to do to make him dead is to shoot him like he wanted." Skeppy replied sarcastically. Bad just looked annoyed and turned back to me.

"Give us a few minutes and we'll go talk to Wilbur about you. Maybe you'll get to go back to your friends, maybe we kill you here just in case, who knows." He said, turning in his heals, leaving me with Skeppy following him back up and outside.

I was just as surprised, if not more surprised that I was still one hundred percent the same, minus the Now giant scab that was now formed on my face. But I wasn't dead, and that was a chance I could see George again. That I could see everybody again.

The pair came back about thirty minutes later telling me I could go back to the house. Again, I was surprised, I thought that they were just going to shoot me.

They let me out of the cellar, the sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky, making everything seem much more peaceful than they actually were.

Skeppy and Bad escorted me back to the house just in case I turned. Again, I didn't.

I walked into the house, no one was there except George, of course George was there, he's sleeping. And get again, I was wrong. George turned to face me, eyes wide open, yawning.

"Where have you been. Sapnap came by earlier from the infirmary telling me you got scratched and Karl broke his ankle. They thought you were one of them, the dead. But your here. How?" He asked.

I walked over to him and sat down on the floor like I had before yesterdays events. "I don't know George. But I'm here and I'm alive. And you're alive. God George, I thought that you were dead. But you're here and talking." I rested my head on his forearm.

"I thought I was dead too, for a while. But it was nice." He said, his free hand playing with my hair. It felt nice. "I'm just glad you're not asleep." And ironically I was cut off by this, "I'm tired Dream."

Why. "Then go back to sleep George." I whispered softly. "But I want to stay with you." "I know George." George let out a soft hum before returning to his previous tired state.

And I was all alone in the dark, again.

Word count: 985

I finally know how I'm going to end the story now!

Now all I have to do is just get there, yay

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