17. The darkest corner

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CW/TW: swearing

Sapnap POV:

Karl was devastated. We walked back to a small house where the others, minus Tommy, were. Beds lined the walls, like there were supposed to be more people than there actually were here. But I guess that you would expect that if you were a refuge for anyone who had survived this long in the apocalypse.

I looked over at Karl, his eyes were fixated on the ground beneath us. His hands were tugging at the strings of his dirt covered hoodie. I wanted to comfort him. I knew that he liked touch and found comfort in it, but I didn't know wether or not to hug him since I didn't want to make him uncomfortable since he lost Quackity ten minutes ago.

Dream set George down on one of the beds furthest from the door, wanting to keep his sleeping 'friend' safe and alive.

I put my attention back to Karl, who now was sat on a bed in the darkest corner of the room. I walked over to him sat to his left. Nothing was said between us for a while. Him still trying to process the potential death of his friend.

"Can we talk to Wilbur tomorrow about seeing if we can leave and try to find him if he's still alive?" Karl asked in a small,quiet voice. "Yeah. Yeah we can. Also, stop with the 'if he's still alive' Q is still alive. There's no way in hell that he would let himself die like that, he like dramatics way too much for that." I replied. Karl chuckled in response.

We stayed sitting next to each other before I went to go to my own bed to sleep. Before I could walk away Karl grabbed my wrist. I turned to ask what he wanted and he asked, "Can you stay? Sorry if that weird it's just I'm trying not to break down completely and touch just makes me feel better. Not like sexually or anything. Sorry if that's weird, you don't have too."

My heart broke a little more for him. I gave him a sad smile and nodded, "Sure Karl. It's not weird, I don't mind. You don't know how many times I've cuddled with Dream when he's had nightmares. I'm used to it at this point."

Karl chuckled one more and latex down with his back on the bed; I then laid next to him. He proceeded to move his head onto my chest and close his eyes. Within minutes his breathing evened out and he was asleep. I wrapped my arm around him and held him close.

God let his dream figure not haunt him tonight, please, he doesn't need that, not at all.

And Karl didn't dream of the figure, I did.

I opened my eyes and stood in a flower field. "Huh," I thought, "this must be the place Karl and Q dreamt of."

I started walking an a random direction, crossing the land of multicolored flowers and beautiful sky, only to walk onto the land of a house. It was a decent size house with a giant willow tree in the front with a bench facing me.

Out of curiosity I walked into the house. It had light blue/gray walls and dark furniture with pictures lining the walls, their frames touching each other.

I walked towards the pictures to see if I could find out who the house belonged to. And to my surprise it was a picture of Karl, Quackity and I.

We were all standing on a beach, Karl was smiling widely, unlike himself in real life, so was Quackity, only he looked different, he had a huge scar that went from just above his eyebrow all the way down, and partially cutting into his lips. And I stood between them, grinning like an idiot. We all looked so happy.

I looked at another picture, we were Dream and George in this one. All of us stood outside of a large unrecognizable white building. Still we were all happy.

I turned to another picture. Again it was just Karl, Quackity and I. We were laying in what looked to be a field like the one I had arrived in. The three of us all wearing flower crowns. Karl's being purple, Quackitys yellow, and mine orange. Again, we all looked so happy, and older.

A cold breeze hit the back of my neck. "So you're here as well." A voice said, oddly sounding like Dreams voice but a bit deeper. I turned to see a boy with blonde hair and a mask covering his face, a smile was all that was upon it.

"You know Karl was here days ago, looking at pictures the way you are right now." The boy said. "How are these pictures a thing? They never even happened." I asked him, confused.

"You have a very different reaction to these photos that Karl did. You question their existence, while Karl so desperately wished they were real. And that's when I offered for them to be. I offered them to him twice, the second time he followed but sadly couldn't understand the price for it." The masked boy said, walking circles around me.

Why would Karl want them to be real?

"Maybe because you're destined." Masked boy said. Destined to be what, for what?

"That you will have to figure out on your own." He said.

"Where's George?" I asked him, but he already disappeared.

And then I woke up.

Word count: 921


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