12. Never

679 34 16

CW/TW: swearing, zombies (talk of how they look) murder of said zombies

Quackity POV:

We were all sitting in the main room talking about what our lives were like before all of this happened.

Apparently Tommy is the third adopted son to a horrible father. And is an uncle to a kid he's never met before. He also ran away at thirteen. God this kids been through it.

Tubbo has a better life than Tommy did. He had two sisters, him being the middle child.

Ranboo thought Ranboo didn't know exactly where he was from. Because apparently the kid doesn't have a memory. Well he does, it's just the worst memory you could have in you life. I felt bad for him. Imagine waking up one day and not remembering who anybody is around you. That would terrify me.

Everybody was talking about stories about their siblings and I remembered that Karl had a really funny one about his brother.

"Hey Karl, remember that one story you had about Sean-" Karl wasn't here. Why wasn't he here?

"We gotta leave. Now." I heard Dream say. I almost asked why then I heard.

We were under attack. God dammit.

But all I could focus on was where Karl was. Where was he? Where the fuck was Karl and why wasn't he with the rest of us.

Now that I remember that he had disappeared about three hours ago. And I didn't follow him. I am such a bad friend.

I ran down a hallway trying to find Karl, yelling his name. Dream and the others yelling for me to come back and leave with them, saying that he probably already left. I didn't believe that. Karl would never leave without telling someone. Never.

"Quackity!" I heard Sapnap y'all from behind me.

"I have to find him! We can't leave without him!" I yell. "Q it isn't safe for us. Lets just go." He grabbed my wrist and started pulling me back to the group so we could get away safely.

Someone screamed.

"Karl!" I yelled. I bolted around the corner to find a zombie lurking around a door. I picked up a brick that was laying on the floor and threw it at the thing. It took its head clean off. It collapsed on the ground. I ran into the room and saw him on the floor.

He was in tears. He looked asleep. I didn't know what was happened omg all I knew was that Karl was on the ground, asleep, unable to wake up, in tears and screaming.

Sapnap picked Karl up so that Karl was on Saps back, sapnap holding Karl by the legs, with Karl instinctively wrapping his armed around Saps chest. And we ran.

We ran all the way down the hall, past several zombies and into the main room where the others were fighting a group of them off. Dream made eye contact with me and yelled, "let's get out of here!"

We all bolted out of there, through the room with the nukes that had a side door that lead to the outside grounds.

Karl was still crying, mumbling in his sleep.

We ran through the nukes and out of the door. All nine of us made it out alive. We ran to the fence only to see a giant work van parked. We ran to it.

Out of shear dumb luck it had a full tank of gas. We all climbed inside of it, dream hit the gas and went right through the surrounding gate.

We were all alive. Alive. Thank god.

Michael was asleep on Tubbos lap. Tommy kept looking back and forth from everyone from his previous group. He looked scared. More scared than he had seemed before. Obviously I mean we all were. But this was different.

He looked at the three like he was scared he would've never seen them again, thinking that they were going to die, like he was going to be alone. And I felt bad for him.

I looked back at Karl who lay in sapnap slap, asleep. His crying ceased, but he didn't wake up. Thinking back to what he was saying in his sleep, most of it was "stop" and "don't touch." But he would always get cut off on the second one, like he was actually talking to some one.

Then it dawned on me. He was talking tithe angel.

God fucking dammit.

Word count: 745

Kind of a rushed chapter, whatever.


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