Chapter 21: Romantic Bone.

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3rd Person's POV

The swords slashing through the air can be heard. It was Elizabeth's swordsmanship training, an acquaintance of hers volunteered to be quite a formidable sparring partner.

Elizabeth's foot balanced as she went on head to head with a man who looks at her stance.

"Relax yourself, your highness. Now let's go again." The man teased with his voice.

Elizabeth grits her teeth as she runs forward but with elegance with her sword gripping the hilt of it as she swings with force. "I cannot relax myself if you are to talk to me, Councilor Ingrid."

Councilor Ingrid smiles widely at the sight of the once brat they knew she was definitely now a young woman who was about to be wedded soon.

"Don't tell me you're going to let my dumb brother kick your bottom, Princess Elizabeth!" (Councilor Claire) cheered not too far away seated next to Olivia who watches carefully, worried about the sprain on her leg.

"Shut up, Claire!" (Councilor Ingrid) shouted as his sister.

Althea stands there excitedly wanting to join in the sparring but she couldn't so she just cheered her beautiful princess on. "Yeah, KICK HIS ASS!" (Althea)

Councilor Ingrid looked pissed at the cheers against him. Elizabeth was the same but she focused on her footing rather than the cheering.

Councilor Claire and Councilor Ingrid were twins. Although being twins, they looked different as their hair color and facial features differed from each other. Their personalities were really similar however.

They have become close acquaintances over the years and the twins offered their sympathies when Victoria passed.

Elizabeth noticing him being distracted eyed him directly as she used the back side of the sword and hit him in the neck.

"That's gotta hurt. I'll just heal him later." (Councilor Claire) said as he eyed her brother biting his lip trying not to cry. He touched the part where the sword landed and breathed.

"Well... done... ow." (Councilor Ingrid) smirks as the pain resides. "But try and dodge this! [Shadow Magic: Hollow Slaves]!"

He raises his palms up as a black magic circle appeared, releasing laughing shadowy minions with sharp claws that rushes forward to Elizabeth and began attacking her wildly. "KEKEKEKEKEK!"

She barely dodged as she settles her sword down into the ground, "[Ice Magic: Ice Cage]."

She casts the spell as cages of ice kept the shadow minions. There was at least more than fifty of them and she had them all caged into one spot.

"KEKEKEKEKEKEK!!!" (Shadow Slaves) resisted and clawed the Ice cage with no success.

"Wow well done." (Councilor Ingrid) slowly claps looking at the princess impressed.

Elizabeth nods as she takes down the cage, holding her sword she slashed just one shadow figure and the rest of them disappeared. "I cancelled the spell."

Councilor Ingrid looks over surprised that ALL of his minions disappeared. Fifty of them! He looks over at the blade the princess holds finally realizing,  "No way! That sword! Don't tell me—"

Elizabeth gazes at the sword, and answered, "It was from, Victoria. She wanted me to have it." She sheathes the blade with a satisfying clink as it dangles on her waist.

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