Chapter 10: I guess I have a Fiance now.

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Elizabeth's POV

As soon as we got back from the orphanage I went to my room and thought for a sec.

"I wonder if those kids are cold... Do they even have blankets to cover themselves for the night?"

The thought lingered in my mind so much I couldn't sleep. I want this orphanage business to be taken care of fast so that someone else can run it. Someone I trust but who? I really thought hard if there's anyone here that would be fitting for the job but no one crossed my mind...

I guess having trust issues is a disadvantage for picking the right people for a certain something. "Hmm... Victoria could but I would have to find a new instructor. That's the penalty of it and she's really the only instructor/maid that I can rely on that actually teaches useful things like swordsmanship and magic... Ugh, what will I do?!"

Come to think of it... This 'Sister Mary' was considered gone. By the term 'gone' did they mean dead gone? or missing gone? This is messing up my head completely...

I couldn't help but scratch my head looking at the ceiling hoping answers would suddenly come hitting me... but none came. I yawned and felt the tiredness in my eyes. "I guess I'll talk it over with the council tomorrow."

With that, I closed my eyes and tried sleeping.


But instead of having a normal dream, I heard a voice inside of my head inside."My, my. Makoto Ami, how have you been doing in this life? I hope you're enjoying it."

Who... are you? Why are you in my head? Actually, how are you speaking in my head? You sound familiar and annoying.

"Have you already forgotten my voice? I'm Fey, the goddess of---"


"H-Hey stop telling me I'm useless! Wait you do remember me!"

As if I won't. You're the only thing that's been driving me to grow stronger. Now, what do you want? Are you here to kill me? In my dream too nonetheless. "I-I came to apologize. I really am sorry..."

An apology won't bring me back, is it?

"Yes it won't, I'm truly sorry. Your soul is already registered as dead and I was given punishment after finding out about this."

If that's all apology not accepted. I'm sorry but I'm just too mad to let go of my past life. Who knows if my grandpa is alright... Tell me if he's fine then I'm willing to reconsider. "Your grandfather is on the stable condition and he's expected to recover soon. I even gave him a few more years to live."

You can do that? "Of course but this time I asked for permission!"

I see... That's... really good. I'm happy, thank you. You're forgiven.


However, "However?"

In this world. Is there anyone worth trusting to be an instructor or perhaps a caretaker for an orphanage? You see, I have trust issues. "Ohhh. I see why, and for your request, there is a lot in that world. I think someone who's the same as you would fit the job. I'll inform her about it I'm quite close to her actually."

I'll take anyone as long as their worth trusting. "Great, just gave her a message she says she'll be over where you are in a few months. She's still recovering from the war this world just had. The Demon vs Humans one. If you see someone with purple hair that's her."

•Ice Queen In Another World• [Discontinued]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon