Diary of Victoria Crumwell (Part 1)

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[Author's note: This chapter is full of sensitive topics such as suicide, slavery, prostitution, abuse, and some other more. Please just skip those parts if you'd like. Just a heads up!]

Dearest diary,

I remember my past days. The times where I thought nothing lies ahead of me, the times I thought my worse was nothing more than a few coins. My mother and father whom I was so afraid of, I was dying out of starvation. I was tempted to steal. I was tempted to fight others for food and scraps. The time I felt afraid of death when he comes knocking down my nonexistent home and takes me to the depths of hell. With lots of regrets.



On a distant land. It was cold, rowdy, and full of snow.

I held my mom's hands. Wondering why did she bring me into one of her business trips but I know she was lying. She never ever held me this tight before. I looked at her and she looked back and smiled. She bent down a little and hugged me. "You're a good girl, Victoria."

She said still lying to me. Every day you told me I was useless and that I was better off dead. Why are you suddenly lying to me? I thought to myself as I looked at her still, giving me a stiff smile.

I said nothing though. She sighed as if expecting something like this from me. As we were walking she lead me into a different part of the city. It was a little bit outside the gates and I grew worried.

Mom met up with a person who had a huge scar on his face and all over his body carrying a sword on his hip. He looked at me and looked at mom. "Is this is?" he asked mom while unpacking cigars plopping one into his mouth as he lighted it with a match. "Yeah. So how much?"

He smoked and replied, "50k Jewel. Take it or leave it."

Mom's face suddenly looked furious and her grip on me tightened. "Seriously?! That's it?!"

"I don't do business here ma'am. I'm offering you a deal. I wouldn't even buy a skinny kid like that. She's practically useless at best. Not good merchandise if you ask me." He laughed. Mom gritted her teeth and stood down, eyes looking desperate she replied, "Fine. Give me the money then."

Grinning, the man took out a bag of money and threw it at my mom. She caught it so easily and let go of my hands and instead hugged me tightly. I didn't hug her back. I hated her. Why bother hugging me when in the end you already sold me. I practically lost all emotions to respond and so with that. She left while leaving my shoulders wet with her tears. I didn't cry.

"That's the saddest thing right? Your mom leaving you and selling you off cheaply. HAHA, she bought that crap about you not worthing much." He laughed sadly as I stood there not moving not caring anymore. "One's children are irreplaceable. They are worth more than money but hey business is business I guess."

He scratched his head before tossing me into a cage with some other kids in it. "Aight move it. Let's get to the black market before sundown."

Five hours into the ride.


I hold my stomach down and told it to shush. I'm hungry...

I peaked outside of the iron bar window where I see men riding horses making footprints in the snow were accompanying us to where we'll head. Wherever it is... as well with the other kids who were with me. Some of them were crying... they looked scared, some looked unafraid, and some looked angry.

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