Diary of Victoria Crumwell (Part 4)

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Dear Diary,

King Alastor needed all the help he can get. Queen America looked restless as she worried for the safety of her people. The Demons have begun their move to raid the borders. Our of plea, they asked anyone who can fight to join the upcoming battle.

Blood will be shed, bodies will rot, and one's sanity can be lost at war. I will not waver and swore to return to her highness's side.

Soon to set off for war, Victoria.


News was set off that the king has returned home to recruit knights aged 15 and above. He was desperate for people to join to protect the border. The demons have been getting stronger, smarter, and suspiciously knowing every move that they have.

Having lots of casualties for a surprise attack. Many lives were lost the past few months and they were short on hand.

As I lived my daily life as the Queen's right hand, helped around the orphanage, learned how to read and write thanks to her highness. I've been learning all that I can while under her highness's care.

Queen Ameria and I were in the library researching for magical stones that could be made as a "battery" but we were interrupted as King Alastor kicked the door loudly surprising all of us.

"Alastor, dear!" (Queen Ameria) shouted. "This is the sanctuary of books! You must respect the rules of SILENCE!!!"

I just stared at the Queen fully knowing she's not being quit either. King Alastor looked frazzled but continued nonetheless. "Apologies my love. I was hoping to borrow Victoria for a while... It's very important."

She raised her eyebrows at him and crossed her arms. "Uh huh. Important enough for the Queen to know?"

"Please my love. It will only take a second." The king pleaded which made the Queen weak to her knees. She couldn't refuse the love of her life. So she agreed.

I stood up from my chair and followed the king. He leads us to an empty space and began to talk. "Please join my army."

What? You're recruiting a mere maid to hell you protect the border? I don't have any military experience! I might have read a couple of military books but that's all!

"I'm desperate. I've begun to lose trust in those around me. We have a traitor in the midst giving off our plans, routines, and attacks. It has been stressful..." As I heard him say that I took a good look at the king. He really did seem pale, he looked like he didn't sleep for days and noticed there were some grey hairs growing in his front head.

"King Alastor with all due respect. Hiring a mere maid like me with no experience at all would just make me a burden to others. I'm better off helping the Queen with her projects." I politely said to him as he lowered his head.

"Of course you can come back into the kingdom to do your work! The border is not far and you can visit the kingdom anytime you want. I'll give you back to Ameria once we sniffed out this spy."

He said as he kneeled pleading for me to join the knights. I panicked again because I wasn't used to royals kneeling here and there. "We'll surely train you! When we fought you have the unlimited potential I can't let this pass up. I need someone like you to trust. I have been losing trust in my own comrades it's been driving me crazy."

He's only asking to leave absence for my Queen for a while just until the traitor has been sniffed out. It won't be long right? While this might seem like some sort of betrayal to her majesty... helping the border might give Queen Ameria fewer problems in the future...

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