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It was raining cats and dogs out here, and sadly I only had my hood. I looked down on my watch and saw it was quite late. I got off from the bench and called Bolt back to me. He obeyed and ran back to me. I kneeled down in front of him and patted his body and ruffled up his fur.

-Let's get back buddy, I'll need to clean you up.

When I straighten my body, there was a thunder and the rain was heavier. Perfect timing. I started to run while Bolt was doing the same from the side. My nose started to sniffle so I sprinted. It caught my dog off guard and he barked before running at the same speed as me.

When I reached the door of my brother's house, I looked for my keys while breathing heavily. I groaned while remembering that I forgot it, but I still had my smile. I knocked of the door loudly and pressed the ring button rapidly until my brother opened the door quickly and grabbed my shirt and pulled me in. Bolt entered and barked at him. I fell on the floor while laughing.

-The hell Aus, I was worried about you! He shouted and I grind.

-There's no need to worry bout me, I'm fine. See? I said and got up.

To be honest, I sprinted too fast and I had twisted my ankle. My right leg started to shake and I stumbled while trying to walk towards the couch. Meri caught me and helped me to sit down.

-Wait here, I'll get the kit.

-But I ca-

Before I could finish my sentence, Meri ran off towards the main bathroom and looked around. I wanted to tell him that I could walk but when I tried, I was too hurt to do it so I just let him to take the kit. Bolt walked towards me and shaked his body.

-Oh shit! Bolt, stop!

But it was too late. He had already threw a lot of muddy water on the couch. When I noticed that I was sitting on the couch with wet clothes, I got up but that caused me to fall on my knees, making a loud thud and also making Meri even more worried. He ran out with the kit in his hand with his shades falling from his nose and I could see the worries in his deep blue eyes that he got from dad.

-Aus! Stop hurting your body every 5 seconds! He scolded me and I couldn't help but grin.

-Meri, I fight you almost every day and take care some of the most dangerous animals, of course I'll get hurt.

I moved my hands away from my ankle so that he could wrap it with bandages so that I don't move it too much. When he was done, I got up and picked my savana hat that was on the floor and wore it.

-AUS!! Meri called me and I walked towards him.

He was watching his couch in horror and my eyes widened. I quietly tip toed away from him and grabbed Bolt with my arms to force him to follow me. He didn't bark, luckily. Before Meri could attack me, I ran upstairs to my room and closed the door and put Bolt on my bed and released my snakes on the ground and sat on my bed waiting for him. I heard his footsteps and shut my ears.


He slammed the door opened and I was grinning ear to ear. It was silent until Meri unleashed the pterodactyl in him. He ran away closing the door and screaming. I was laughing my butt off and all of my snakes turned to face me. They love visitors and unlucky for Meri, their favorite visitor is him.

After Meri had calmed down and so had I, I placed my pets in the cage and shut them tight, making sure I did it properly. Then I walked back downstairs to get some snacks in the kitchen. I had already changed into nice warm clothes and also cleaned up Bolt. I found Meri eating snacks as well and being in front of his laptop.

-Meri, can I have some? I asked and he nodded and gave me the whole pack. -You're done?

-Yeah. He said paying attention to his screen and bitting his nails.

I watched him silently while eating. I chewed loudly to annoy him but he was too concentrated to his laptop to even hear. Then Bolt came down from the stairs to join me. Meri turned his head to him and asked me:

-What's Bolt's breed?

-A mix of german shepherd and a golden retriever. Why?

-I like how he is. With the fur color being dark and some gold part and him having straight up ears. He's cute.

Bolt knew what that word meant and his tail started to wag. He placed his front paws on Meri's lap so I placed the bag of snacks on the counter to tell him to not do it since Meri doesn't like it.

-Sorry Meri, it's a way for Bolt to tell someone thank you.

-It's fine. By the way, tomorrow, you'll have an interview for a job.

-... What job? It's just now you tell me?!

-Don't worry, you're gonna love the job.

-You told me that exact same thing for the economy stuff.

-It's your dream job.

-... A-Are you serious?! I get to be a zoo keeper?! With reptiles and lots of animals?! Meri, you ain't shitting with me, right?

-I'm not. So that's why I need you to look casual and yet nice at the same time.

-Meri, you're the best! I shouted and he smiled.

-I know. Now leave me alone.

-Yes sir!

I salute him and he rolled his eyes and I smiled wider and went up to my room. I flopped onto my bed with a big smile. I was already in my pyjamas so I fell asleep while hugging Bolt after a while.

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