"What's wrong?" She walked towards me, but I didn't answer. "Zena, what's-"


"Is everything alright in here? I heard something about spaghetti and then screaming... and it wasn't Acacia." Kiki winked at Acacia.

"She asked for spaghetti and meatballs! What heathen does that?!" I turned to her in disgust. "How can I be mated to-" Acacia covered my mouth with her hand.

"Have you ever had spaghetti and meatballs?" Kiki nodded at Acacia's question. "And it's delicious, so chop chop, babe." I blushed at her term of endearment.

"Okay." I squeaked and began to make the dish.

"So are you permanently staying here?" Kiki questioned Acacia.

"So what if I am?" She questioned back.

"Feisty... now I see why you have Zena on her knees for you." Acacia laughed while I glared at Kiki. "There's a training room upstairs that you can use whenever we're training." Acacia smiled at Kiki's words. "Where's tweedle dee and tweedle dum?"

"Upstairs I think." Acacia answered.

"They're having couple time." Kiki scrunched up her nose at the thought.

"Something we would be having if you would shoo." Acacia narrowed her eyes at the girl. Kiki chuckled and held her hands up in surrender. She then backed out of the kitchen. "Now that we're alone..." Acacia suggestively ran her finger down the valley of my breasts.

"Y-Yes." I stuttered out.

"You're cute when you blush... I think that's my new favorite activity." She jumped onto the counter. "How long do you think you guys will have to stay here?"

"I assume until the three sticklers think we're good to go." I shrugged and plated the food.

"Doesn't the duration of your stay depend on when Lilitu decides to wreak havoc?" She questioned, but I simply shrugged. "Hmm..." She kicked her legs out and ate the food. "Yummy by the way." I smiled at her.

I couldn't help but feel joy at watching Acacia excitedly speak about the many wonderful things in her life. I giggled when she'd say something funny about her friends or brothers. She would get a little sad when mentioning her other siblings that she didn't get along with. I decided I wanted to tell her everything about me.

I took Acacia to the couch and sat in her lap. She smiled and allowed me to cuddle into her. I rested my head on her shoulder as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Aqua." She hummed. "I want to tell you everything about me." She stopped playing with my hair and looked at me with confused eyes. "I didn't have a normal childhood..." I began.

"What do you mean?"

"I..." I felt my tears well up.

"Oh, pupu." She hugged me tighter. "Don't cry. You can talk to me." She cooed.

"I was kidnapped and tortured as a child." I rushed out. Acacia stiffened. "I was stolen at the age of 5 from my family. A witch then sent them to an alternate dimension for 10 years. During that time, I was experimented on and tortured. They freed me, but the damage was done." I sighed out. "And then I found out everything was Naomi's idea which caused a lot of problems and made her feel guilty. That's why we broke up and-"

"What?!" She cut me off. "She-She did what?!" Acacia was furious. "How could she- and then date you and- what?!"

"I was then kidnapped again and she and some of my friends helped rescue me. Then during the reunion party, she broke up with me and left. I now realize she came back to school in Croatia, but I didn't know she would be here. If I had known-"

"You wouldn't have come." Acacia finished for me. "How could she hurt you like that?" She whispered. "It makes me want to kill her even more." I felt her struggling to keep her cool. "All this time she had been taunting me... it had been her who hurt you deeply!"

"Aqua." I held her face. "I loved Naomi with my entire heart." She looked down in sadness. "I thought that was real love, but then with you... it was different." I laughed. "I tried to be cautious, but I somehow fell deeper for you. Not even the tallest mountain in the world could accurately describe how much I fell for you." I held her hand. "I'm so in love with you, Acacia." She was crying now. "You're the one and only mate I wish to bond with someday." I rested my forehead against hers. "You're my person." I whispered.

"I love you, Zena." She kissed me.

"Cue the sappy RomCom." We groaned and turned to see Kiki munching on some popcorn. "Please don't stop on my account... I believe you were about to deeply kiss her back." Kiki motioned for me to continue.

"I thought we told you to leave." I groaned.

"I did leave." She plopped in between us. Acacia and I glared as she swung her arms around our shoulders. "I then went upstairs and saw Nyx and Ken getting it on." Acacia and I made a grossed out face. "Now, that's not the type of support they need." She reprimanded us. "I had no issue waiting for them to finish, but they didn't want my presence in the room, so they kicked me out. I then came downstairs and saw you guys eating each other's faces off." We rolled our eyes at her. "So... what should we do together?"

"Why do you act as if we're friends?" Acacia used two fingers to remove Kiki's arm from her shoulders.

"Because we are stuck here and... we're the best of friends!" Acacia and I looked at each other when Kiki smushed our faces together. What have we gotten ourselves into?

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