72: The Unexpected Guest.

Start from the beginning

Elizabeth pouted and Leo chuckled before he placed one last kiss on her pouting lips and made her turn around and gently push her to sit on the chair, "Come on, you need to eat – you didn't eat much last night either," He said. Elizabeth placed her hands on her waist, "That is so not true – I had so much paste – I thought my stomach would burst," She said. Leo glanced at her flat stomach and sniggered, "This stomach?" He asked as he playfully poked it. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and slapped his hand away, "Shut up," she mumbled to which Leo laughed and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, "Come on, I have got to feed this tiny stomach." He said. Elizabeth just rolled her eyes while a small smile stretched on her lips – she loved every second with him.

After breakfast, Leo decided to wash dishes while Elizabeth helped him. "What are your plans for today?" Elizabeth asked Leo as she wiped the plates dry while Leo washed them. Leo looked out of the tiny window of the kitchen which showed the other side of his building and sighed, "While, honestly – I was thinking about taking you out on lunch but it looks like it is going to rain again. I was watching the weather this morning – it will be pretty rough all day long," He answered as he passed her the last dish he washed. Elizabeth grinned, "Perfect," she said. Leo brought his eyebrows together, "Really? You didn't want to go out?" He asked. Elizabeth mashed her lips together, "Honestly, yes to any other day but today – no. I want to stay in and spend this day with you," She replied. Leo chuckled, "I love that idea," he replied.

Elizabeth and Leo decided to open the window and let the cold breeze in as it rains outside while they enjoyed the cup of hot chocolate they could enough last night. Elizabeth was wrapped in a blanket while she sat on the floor and behind her sat Leo while she rested her head on his chest – with his arm wrapped around her – occasionally kissing her neck and cheek. She didn't want this day to end. They have been sitting quietly for the past five to ten minutes – the silence wasn't awkward or heavy instead it was comforting and peaceful. After a while, Leo sighed and broke the silence, "When do you have to return to New York?" He asked. This question has been on his mind for a while now but he didn't dare to ask it. He wasn't up for him to turn his and her mood melancholy – but now he had to ask. He wanted to make most of it before she leaves – again. Elizabeth looked down at her hand on her stomach and slightly squeezed in, "Tomorrow afternoon," She replied. When Leo didn't answer her back she added, "But, it is just for another two weeks – actually – just ten days since you will be flying to New York for Silas and Maria's wedding as well. And after the wedding – I will be moving here – to Chicago," she smiled and lifted her head to look at him. Elizabeth softly traced her index finger across his jawline, "Hey, I will move here in no time," She said.

Leo bit his lip and sighed, "Well, you will be busy with wedding preparation – this time will pass for you way more quickly than it will pass for me," He answered. Elizabeth chuckled and sat straight – she turned around to look at him with a mischievous grin on her face, "Why? Are you going to miss me?" She asked. What she didn't expect from Leo was a blunt and straight reply, "Of course, I will. I have missed you all this time. You have no idea how hard these past months were for me. I missed you each day and now that I have you here with me – I don't want you to go – ever." He replied with his eyebrows drawn together. Elizabeth felt her cheeks getting warmer – no man ever told her that – no one ever made her feel so special before. She chuckled softly and put her hand on his cheek while she softly brushed her thumb on his stubble, "I will miss you too, Leo. I am sorry you had to go through such a hard time," She spoke dulcetly.

Leo brought his eyebrow together and held the hand that was resting on his face, "I didn't tell you that so you could apologize – I told you that so that you will stay," He replied in all seriousness but it made Elizabeth chuckle anyway, "What am I supposed to do? I am the one who took charge of their wedding – I can't back out," She tried to reason with him. "Of course, you can. In fact, I will do it for you – I will call Maria and tell her that you aren't going to come back on the day of the wedding. She will not mind – and anyway, they have already married once – doesn't married if this one doesn't go right either – they can do it again. Third time is the charm, right?" He waved his hand dismissively – causing Elizabeth to laugh. Elizabeth playfully slapped his shoulder, "You are a terrible brother," She said. Leo chuckled, "Well, we brothers can be asses sometimes," He shrugged. "Touché," Elizabeth said before she got on her feet. Leo frowned, "Where are you going?" He asked as he held her hand and look up at her beautiful face. "I am just going to get my phone – you have got to see the ideas I noted down for Silas and Maria's big day," She said excitedly. The glee in her voice and the spark in her eyes made Leo smile as he nodded and watched her go get her phone.

Leo was munching on an apple while Elizabeth poured in her ideas – Leo was impressed by how well she had the plan to manage and organize everything. Elizabeth has been going on for an hour and Leo stood there – listening to each of the words she said. If it was anyone else – he was sure that he would have gotten bored by now but it was the love of his life and someone said it right – love does make you do things you least expect from yourself. Leo was quietly admiring her when Elizabeth was passionately talking about everything before she sighed and stopped – she chewed her lower lip. Leo brought his eyebrows together, "What happened?" He asked. She heaved another sigh and spoke, "Well, I need your honest opinion here." She said. Leo nodded and asked her to go on.

"It is about Jennifer," She slowly. "She is supposed to bake the cake but now that I know her tongue has been in your mouth – I don't know how I am going to talk to her," She said. Leo smirked, "Okay – well one, her tongue never made into my mouth," He said and was amused to see the look on Elizabeth's face – she wasn't liking it, "And two, why are you hesitant to talk to her – I think it should and will be the other way around," He continued after a small pause, "Okay, well – Jennifer made a mistake but she is not a bad person and I am not picking sides here because believe me – if I had to I would always pick you – no matter what," he held her hands in his. "It is all up to you now, Elizabeth but from what I know – Jennifer badly needs this opportunity – she isn't doing too well in her business," He said. Elizabeth sighed and slowly pulled her hand back from his hold, "Leo, if you think that I would kick her out – you are wrong. It isn't my decision to make. Maria appointed her and I am no one to fire nor am I the shallow person who would do that – ever," Leo picked it up from her tone – she was offended. He should have thought twice before he spoke.

Leo opened his mouth to apologize to her when the doorbell rang. Leo wasn't sure who it was and Elizabeth worried if it was Jennifer. She wasn't ashamed to accept that she was jealous of the bond Jennifer and Leo share but that doesn't mean that it will make her act irrationally. Leo stood on his feet, "I will go and see who it is," He said as he moved towards the door. A very known feeling started to kick in – the night Mia came to harm Elizabeth ran in his head – he knows that she was in prison and that Jennifer would never act so harshly towards anyone – the thought and memory still scared him. The night replayed in his head and cold sweats started to form on his forehead – he would never let anyone harm Elizabeth ever again.

He looked through the peephole and was relieved and surprised at the same time. There were a series of impatient knock by the small hands of Liam, "Dad! Open up! I have to pee so badly!" He yelled from the other side of the door and it got Elizabeth's attention. Sharon softly scolded her slightly wet from rain grandson, "Liam – don't be like that." Leo immediately opened the door and Liam ran past Leo and in the apartment – almost crashing into Elizabeth – who stared at the boy with open mouth, "I am sorry, ma'am but incoming!" he yelled and ran into Leo's room to use his washroom. Sharon saw Elizabeth stopped immediately. She gasped – she remembered the girl – it was the same girl her daughter tried to murder. There was nothing but uncomfortable silence in the room. "Uh, hi." Elizabeth softly greeted the stunned yet guilty woman. 

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