67: Missing You.

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Leo was about to taste it when his phone buzzed and he put the spoon back in the bowl to check the message he received from Elizabeth. Jennifer's eye went to his phone and then to his face – she couldn't help but chuckle when she saw a small yet sweet smile curled on his lips, "Looks like a message came from New York," She sing-song. Leo glanced at Jennifer and snickered, "Yes, it is Elizabeth." He replied shortly before he replied to her text. Jennifer slowly ate her pudding as her eyes were on phone – she couldn't see what he was typing but whatever it was – it sure amused him. There was complete silence between them for a few seconds before she playfully rolled her eyes, "At least eat a spoon of the pudding and tell me how it is," She urged him with a grin on her face. Leo looked at her and chuckled before he put his phone back in his pocket, "Yeah, sorry – when is your mother coming back, by the way?" He asked as he held the serving bowl and ate a spoonful of the pudding.

Jennifer didn't have to wait for long for Jennifer's reaction, "Oh wow," he said as he had another spoonful – Jennifer couldn't help by giggle and watched Leo eat her dessert, "This is amazing, Jennifer." He complimented her. Leo licked his lower lip and swallowed the pudding, "This sure is the best pudding I ever had," He added. Jennifer played bowed her head, "Thank you," she was delighted to know that he liked it. "I am so glad you liked it," she added. Leo nodded and chuckled, "I can't wait to eat Maria and Silas's wedding cake now," he replied. Jennifer laughed and nodded, "Yes, about that – Maria called me. She was asking if I could come to New York again – last time, well – it didn't go as planned, so." She shrugged. Leo nodded – he was already done with his pudding. He put the empty bowl on the table. Jennifer hunched, "Do you want more?" She asked. Leo shook his head, "Oh no, I am so full – I don't think I can have another bite." He added. "I think I might go into a food coma very soon," He joked.

Jennifer laughed. "You have no idea how happy I am that you liked it," she told him honestly. Leo smashed his lips together, "Well, it was amazing – everything today was so good." He replied and looked down at his wristwatch before he heaved a sigh, "Hey, look – it is quite late. Will it be okay if I meet your mother the next time?" He asked. Jennifer smiled, "Only if you promise to have another meal with me," She replied playfully. Leo grinned, "Alright – it is done then," He replied. He got on his feet and thanked her again for treating him with dinner. "It was my pleasure, Leo. After what all you did for me – this is the least I could do," she replied. Leo once again thanked her and apologized for not waiting for her mother before he left. He got in his car and waved Jennifer goodbye, who stood on her porch before he drove off to his house.

He got home and instantly checked his messages to see a message from Elizabeth. It said: "Can't you come to New York?" he didn't want to have this conversation with her through text messages so, he called her. Elizabeth was lying on her bed – staring at the ceiling and waiting for Leo to answer her back. She texted him almost twenty minutes ago and he still hasn't replied. She blew her cheeks and sat on the messed-up bed. She turned her head to look at her reflection in the full-length mirror and sighed, "You are pathetic – you know that?" She talked to herself. She eyed her messy hair – she didn't even bother to comb them after the shower. She was wearing a pink sweater with gray sweatpants – she doesn't even get ready when she is here – not even when she is going out. She knows that it wouldn't be the same if Leo was here – she has completely lost it. "He is a doctor. He is busy. He is not like you – unemployed and leisured." She said. She was staring at herself when the phone went off – she swiftly fetched it from under the blanket and grinned when she saw that it was Leo calling her. She cleared her throat, "Hello," She answered.

There was a small pause and then Leo's hoarse voice answered, "Hey, how are you?" He asked. She didn't want to sound too desperate so she replied short, "Good. I am well, how are you?" She asked him. Her heart was racing – she bit her lip and glanced at herself in the mirror – her cheeks were flushed and there was a goofy smile on her face. Leo heaved a sighed, "Yes, just a little tired." He replied before Elizabeth heard a thud from the background. "What was that?" She asked. "Nothing – just got in bed." He replied. "Oh okay," she answered. There was silence between them before Leo spoke, "Listen, about your message." He said. Elizabeth chewed her lower lip – she knew he was talking about her asking him to come to New York so in a small voice she replied, "Yeah?" Leo exhaled, "I don't think I can come before Maria's wedding. If I do so – I might not get off days for the wedding," He replied softly. Elizabeth can't deny and say she didn't expect that. She knows how it works but still, she was upset that she couldn't see him before the wedding – it was three weeks away. "I get it, Leo. Don't worry about it." She answered him.

Leo smiled as he placed his hand under her head as he lay in his bed, "It is just three weeks," he said. Elizabeth chuckled, "Yes, just three weeks." She replied. "Did you talk to Ethan?" Leo has been meaning to ask Elizabeth about her plans for returning to work. "Yes, actually I did. I will join it after the wedding as well. I have to be here for the ceremony and I – like you – can't take off right after I join the work," She chuckled. Leo smiled, "I get that but I am happy that you are coming back, Elizabeth." He said. Elizabeth grinned and lay back on the bed, "I am happy too," she replied. There was once again a pause between the two of them before Leo asked, "What have you been doing lately?" He asked – his voice lowered. Without even thinking first – Elizabeth replied, "Missing you," her eyes widened right after she blurted out the truth.

Leo didn't reply. She sat straight before banging her head on the pillow – why couldn't she think before she spoke. "Um," she was struggling to cover up when Leo replied, "I miss you too, Liz." Elizabeth opened her eyes when she heard him – she let a shaky breath, "you do?" She asked in a whisper. "Of course, I do. Why do think I am so happy that you are returning." He answered back. "I have been missing you since the day you and I parted our ways," He added. "It has been a hell for me," he whispered. Elizabeth gulped – she flattered. She smashed her lips, "I am sorry that you had to go through this all," She replied in a whisper. "No, Elizabeth. I am sorry for what happened – I still can't forgive myself. I should have seen this coming," He sighed.

This thought often invades Elizabeth's head that why a woman would take such extreme measures – she doesn't remember that girl – Mia. Her family says that she shouldn't know her but Elizabeth couldn't help but be curious. She was silent for a few minutes – Leo actually thought he had lost her but when he saw – she was still on call, so he calls her out, "Hello, Elizabeth." It took her a few seconds to reply, "Leo, can I ask you something?" She said. "Sure," Leo replied. Elizabeth gulped, "When I come back to Chicago – will you take me to see Mia?" She asked.

The sleepiness left Leo's mind as soon as he heard her say that. He wasn't sure if he heard her right so, he asked. "What?" he never thought that she would ever even mention that vile woman – but, here she wanted to see her. Elizabeth sighed, "Leo, I know what she did but I just want to see that woman once," She asked softly. "No," Leo replied sternly. Elizabeth brought her eyebrows together, "What? Why? Leo, please – I know what I am asking you to do. I am not asking you to see her but I want to meet her," She replied. Leo clenched his jaw, "I will not let you met that murderer, Elizabeth. I will not even let you anywhere near her. You will not see her – never going to see that woman. I cannot risk it," He said firmly – she could sense the anger in his voice. "Leo, she can't do anything to harm me – she is in prison." Elizabeth tried to reason.

"Elizabeth, please – it is better that you don't see her or even talk to her. She hurt you bad – she tried to kill you, damn it. She killed Rene. She took your memory away – she is the reason why I don't have you with me today. I know I am no one to dictate you but no – I cannot let you see that woman. She deserved to rot in prison – alone." He snapped.

There was silence between the two of them before Leo sighed – he realized that he just snapped at her "Even her son refuses to see her – she was a very bad mother to him." He spoke softly. Elizabeth understood why he was being like this – he remembered what happened – she doesn't. She might even don't want to see her if she had that night in her head, but it was a total blur – she couldn't even remember anything. She sighed and nodded her head, "Alright, but can I at least meet her son?" She asked. She couldn't help but feel bad for the kid. It wasn't his fault. Elizabeth doesn't want to speak it out but at some level, she feels like she knows Mia's son's pain, she had an evil mother as well.  

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