Meghagodzilla: NOW MY PET!!!

Steven against his will obeyed and laser caught the two ultra beasts and threw them into the tower in mechagodzilla's claws. He then tossed them into their cages as lasers blasted at the two letting out their energy

Mechagodzilla: finally! At last! This great power belongs to me! I shall be myself again!

At that moment hoopa got another idea as he got out three more rings

Hoopa: alay-hoopa-ring!

And from those rings came out dialga, palkia and giratina! At that very moment the eclipse threw every tingle meteor it could at them! At that moment, volcanoes erupted, earthquakes shook the earth cracking of apart, tsunamis filled the seas and tornados filled the skies. The apocalypse finally began. At that very moment Jessie James and meowth went to find latias Timon and pumbaa

Jessie: we have to do something!

James: instead of causing trouble we should do something!

Meowth: we don't want the world to end!

At that moment the cave they found lit up with orange red and blue light as a huge flock of latias and latios burst out of the cave. Then reshiram with latias Timon and pumbaa followed behind
Zekrom lunges at keyurem who was in his black form and shoved him to the ground. He was about to finish him when he wa socked by a fire blast. He looks up to see reshiram in front of him

Latias looks to see al the devastation and Steven as their new henchmonster

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Latias looks to see al the devastation and Steven as their new henchmonster

Latias: no

She lunges at Steven to see if he could reason with him but she was blasted away by mechagodzilla who showed himself

Mechagodzilla: FINALLY!!! I shall be myself again!

He absorbs the light of the solar eclipse and he bursts apart as he transforms into his new form

He absorbs the light of the solar eclipse and he bursts apart as he transforms into his new form

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Ichi: finally! I am me!

Ni: finally we are hole!

San: and now revenge will be ours!

Steven universe adventures 2Where stories live. Discover now