Endless meetings with senior members of the family, friends and old acquaintances of my father's were my daily routine. Everyone came to renew their allegiance and try to talk me out of leaving my position. I felt cornered, like I couldn't breathe, like everyone had a say in my life except for me. My father was glad that so many members stayed loyal to us and were willing to help us with punishing the traitors. I was grateful for all the help and support too. Even if I had made my decision to resign, I was happy to see that people thought so highly of me and my work the past four years.

Week after week, I felt the dream of moving to Texas fading. It seemed as if there was no way out for me, not because I didn't want it but because I couldn't leave all those people believing in me hanging. Even my father seemed a little sad with how things had turned out for me. Had he actually accepted my previous decision? Did he think that I could have a different future? Either way, it was the first time we came closer as father and son, maybe the only time in my adult life that I got to see his soft, kind side I was used to as a child.

My mother kept calling me, asking me about Rose and why I was hiding her. I didn't know what to tell her, how to explain my behavior. I avoided seeing her as well because she was so good at reading me. But she was known for not giving up so easily. She came by the office one day, asking me to take her to lunch. Of course she wouldn't take no for an answer and the next thing I knew I was apologizing to her for being an idiot and hurting Rose's feelings. Damn she was good. She tried to persuade me that I was a fool to believe that Rose and I didn't belong together. She had seen it in her eyes that night at dinner. She knew that my Rose was the only one for me and I wish she was wrong. I didn't have the chance to talk much, she kept interrupting me telling me how wrong I was dealing with this and how much my behavior had hurt Rose. My excuses were unacceptable to her and she warned me that I would lose her if I didn't act quickly. That's the plan mom, let her see that I'm not worth it and realize that she is better off without me.

The highlight of this month was the most unexpected call I received yesterday morning, on my private line, one not many people know about. I was early at my office, already drowned in paperwork and moody from another sleepless night. On my second espresso, my phone rang and expecting it to be Rose, I hesitated before answering. I didn't know what to say. I hated the distance between us but I thought I was doing her a favor. I hoped I was right. When an unknown number appeared on my screen, I picked it up immediately.

"Who is this and how did you get this number?" I had no time for pleasantries and whoever had managed to get this number must be either very well connected or very dangerous.

"Good morning Marco. That's no way to answer your phone. I thought your father offered you the best education. I guess good manners were not on the curriculum." An unknown male voice was heard and managed to piss me off even more. Why wouldn't they leave me alone? I had agreed to stay in the business and go on as usual. I wasn't going to go back on my word, never had. Maybe except for Rose. I had promised to keep her safe and make her smile always. I found it ironic that the only person in the world I was interested in pleasing and staying true to, was the one I kept disappointing. After explaining that I had no time for this, I asked him to tell me his name and the reason he was calling.

"I'm Nathan Marshall. I believe you already know who I am so I'll make it quick. I would hate to waste your time." Rose's grandfather had contacted me and I couldn't wait to hear what he wanted. This was not a good time to have him tell me that I needed to stay away from her. I knew that already and I could save him the trouble but I was really curious to see if I could learn anything more from him.

"I don't believe you were expecting me to call you and in all honesty I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to the man that almost got my only granddaughter killed twice so far. But there are some things in life that we really can't control. I think you and I have that in common. That's why I reached out." I couldn't quite follow him but I let him continue.

A fairytale without  name (Rose and Marco)Where stories live. Discover now