Part 2, Chapter 43. Zoey's Truth.

Start from the beginning

"You really cared about Zoey, didn't you?" Kyla asks.

Ark nods wildly while wiping her eyes. "I still do!!! She wasn't just my trainer, she was..."

"Your dearest friend.." Kyla interrupts.

Ark shakes her head with a sad smile. "My.. big sister!"

Kyla smiles knowingly. "Let me introduce you to someone.." She pulls out a Pokeball and opens it.

Chaz pops out and looks down at Ark.

"This is Chaz, my big brother!" Kyla says happily.

Ark wipes her eyes. "He.. hello.. Chaz."

Chaz grunts with a slight bow of his head.

Kyla looks up at Chaz. "Do you mind if I tell her our story?"

Chaz shakes his head, placing his claw on Kyla's shoulder.

Kyla looks back at Ark who is now eagerly leaned forward. "Chaz was my big brother's only Pokemon. When my brother was.. trampled to death.. by a herd of Tauros..."

Kyla waits for some negative reaction from Chaz, but he does not give any uncomfortable signs.

"... I inherited him." Kyla continues. "I loved my big brother, and his memory lives on in my relationship with Chaz."

Chaz smiles down at Kyla.

Ark hangs her head. "That is great.. and all, but all I have to remember Zoey by is our family, our team. If I was separated from them.. I don't know how I would cope.."

"Why wouldn't you just live in the wild with them? Why did you enter the tournament?" Kyla asks.

Ark looks up with a smug smile. "Ah! Now the real questions come out!" She sits back. "If we had lived together in the wild eventually trainers would separate us. The tournament was Zoey's dream, and I wished to make her dream come true!"

"Did you steal the badges?" Kyla asks.

Ark nods in response.

"Did you capture Hermit, Jenny, Joy, and Angela?" Kyla asks seriously.

Ark cocks her head to the side in thought. "I remember seeing two people, when I came to register.. I believe one of them was named Hermit! And I was questioned by a Joy, later on! Other than that I have had no other interactions with them. Why?"

"They are missing." Kyla replies.

Ark stands quickly. "My hunky old man is missing?!!!"

Kyla burst out laughing. "Are you talking about Hermit?!"

Ark nods wildly.

"Old man, yes.. but 'hunky'?!!!" Kyla continues to laugh.

Ark sits down slowly with an annoyed expression. "I like him.. he.. is strong.. looking."

Chaz grunts pointing at Kyla.

"WHAT?!" Ark looks at Kyla surprised. "You're stronger?!"

Kyla slowly stops laughing, looking serious. "It is not a matter of strength. Our teams are evenly matched.. He is just.. overbearing.. and irrationally passionate."

Kyla looks up at Ark who is now daydreaming and drooling as she stares at the ceiling. 

"Ark!" Kyla exclaims.

Ark shakes the daydream away. "Yes?!"

"You need to clear your name. I need to know what happened to Zoey.." 

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