"Really, then what do you call keeping information from me?" Sky must have forgotten that we are in a hospital because he's now shouting.

"I didn't think it was important."

He looks at me like I have lost mind. "Are you crazy? You think you dying is not a important?" He asks, in complete disbelief.

"I think you both need to calm down." Amelia tries to control the situation.

Sky ignores her. "You know what, if you are going to disregard your life then I'm done."

I start to panic. "What?" I ask on the verge of tears.

His eyes are red with rage and pain. "I'm done with you, with all of this." He says and just like that he leaves me.

I feel like I'm having a deja Vu moment right now. Just days ago Sky walked away from me after he saw me kissing James. Technically it wasn't me but he didn't know that. And now he has walked away again and all because I wasn't honest with him, again. It seems I never learnt my lesson.

"I need to go after him." I announce to Amelia, Nikolina and Cassandra.

"Maybe you shouldn't. He needs to process all this."

What Amelia is saying makes sense and is probably the right thing to do but I don't want him to process all this by himself. I don't want him to overthink and come to the conclusion that I'm not worth it after all. I don't want to lose.

"I can't lose him." I say and start to leave.

"Heaven?" Nikolina stops me. "There's a reason why we are not allowed to fall in love with humans."

I pause with my hand on the door knob. I don't want to get into the rules at the moment, especially since the honor woman who enforced them is in question. Instead I just say, "We can't choose who we fall in love. Aurora already proved that." And with that, I leave to go after Sky.

I really hope Sky went to his house and I'm also hoping his father isn't there when I arrive. As much as I want to meet my future father in law I don't think now is a great time. And if I don't fix this he might never be my father in law. The thought saddens me a lot.

I'm becoming an expert at breaking and entering, well at least in this house. Maybe it has to do with the fact that they don't really put much effort into their security.

From the looks of it no one is home. It's so quiet that I doubt their mysterious father is even home. I'm a little relieved, if we are going to shout at each other, we can at least do it in private.

I don't waste any time with knocking or anything formal, I simply open his door and find on him sitting on his bed, looking anything but okay.

He looks up to see me and he doesn't look pleased. "Oh my God this can't be, I'm changing those locks."

"About time." I mutter under my breath.

He gets off his bed. "Get out of my house!"

I'm not going to lie, it hurts when he talks to me like that. "I'm not leaving." I tell him stubbornly.

"What do you want from me?"

I wipe away my tears. "I want us to talk."

He laughs out loud but there's no humor in his laughter. "Oh so now you want to talk? What do you want to start with, the death of your other boyfriend?"

"He's not my....." I start to say but he doesn't let me finish.

"Or the fact that you are going to be dying next!" He shouts, tears streaming down his face. "What do you want us to talk about first, huh!"

"Don't shout at me!" But I'm also shouting. "I didn't want you to worry! I know you wouldn't take it well."

"How else am I supposed to take it? You are going to die!" He practically shakes me.

"Why are you complaining? I'm the one dying, this is my life we are talking about!" I cry out in anger, letting my emotions get the best of me.

"It's not only your life, it's mine too. I can't leave without you. You are going to leave me when you promised you wouldn't. You lied to me."

"I know and I'm sorry. Please forgive me." I cry. I force his hands off my arms so I can hug him. He's reluctant to hug me back but he eventually gives in, even tightly hugging me back.

"I hate you." He says with his head buried in my neck, his tears soaking my shirt.

"No you don't."

"I really do. You are going to leave me." He cries, "I hate you for that. You should leave."

I continue to rub his back. "No I'm not leaving. You love me and I love you, we should be together."

"But for how long?"

I kiss his hair. "Forever. Please believe me, I won't leave you. I will fight anything for you." Even death I silent add to myself.

Sky continues to sob on my my neck. "I don't want you to die. I can't leave without you."

"Me too." I mentally vow to fight for my life, if not for me, then for the heartbroken and scared boy in my arms. I just can't leave him.

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