- Kabir: No.. You're always beautiful, but today you're gorgeous ... She smiled at him ..

- Kabir: I will order breakfast to the room ...

- Radhika: OK ...

- Kabir was leaving and suddenly Radhika scream ... Kabir turned to her quickly ...

-Kabir: Radhika!  Do you feel pain?  Do you want to go to the hospital?  ...

-She kept looking at his face that showed the extent of his fear of her and how much he is careful for her ...

- Radhika: shsh ... calm down there is nothing  ... our little girl said good morning to us ..

- Kabir: What do you mean?

Radhika took his hand and placed it on her stomach ..

- Radhika: Can you feel the movement? 

-Kabir: Yes!  It seems that she is excited about meeting her parents.. OMG Radhika she kicked ... smiled at him ..

- Radhika: This is for you ..

- Kabir: Oh my God again ... I did not imagine that I would be so happy with this special detail..thank you  Sweetie, thank you ...

- Radhika: You know me well. I don't like complimenting.

-Kabir: You will never change, you always find an excuse to stop me ....

-Radhika kept laughing at his sight, as she loves her husband when he is anxious ....

Bring the breakfast Kabir and Radhika eat their breakfast together, then Radhika prepared herself and went to the company to do her deal ... and she definitely succeeded ...

in New York...

Isha: What hotel does Radhika Mehra stay in?  ...

- The person: the same hotel that Kabir resides in ...

- Isha: Excellent, it will be easy for us to kill her and it will be just an accident or better killing both of them will be fun!  Go and book two tickets to Switzerland for the nearest starting date immediately! 

-Person: ok, ma'am ...

-isha: If I do not make you ask for peace, and you will not get it, no matter how you fled, my name will not be Isha Pratap!  _Isha speaks herself _

- Kabir left his company tired after spending a hard day on his way, remembering that Radhika had a deal today, so he called her to check on her and ask her ...

-Kabir: Hello!  how was your day? 

-Radhika: Good, and you? 

-Kabir: Tired ... did you succeed?  ...

- Radhika: What do you think ...

- Kabir: Congratulations to my lioness, I know you are smart..well, I intend you to have dinner with me, would you like that? 

-Radhika: To celebrate my success or something else?  ...

- Cabir: For both reasons... well will we meet in half an hour? 

Radhika: Ok ...

Half an hour later, Kabir met Radhika and headed together to the most luxurious restaurant in Switzerland ... while they had a comfortable sitting and placed their orders ... they kept chatting and laughing until the order was ready..and suddenly someone shouted Mr. Singh?  Kabir and Radhika beguiled and turned to her..Kabir finally remember this woman ...

- Kabir: Oh..Ms. Barganza. What a silly absentee, how are you?  How is business going here?  This lady was Kabir's secretary ten years ago ...

- The women: I am married ...

- Kabir: I apologize, I forgot ...

_ That lady did not hesitate and sat with them .. After a long conversation between them, Kabir remembered the presence of Radhika, who was furious, how could he ignore her and talk to that lady on time ...

- Mrs.Singh  : will you present to me your lady? ...

Kabir put his hand on Radhika's hand saying: This is my lady and my wife, Radhika Mehra, biggest business manager in New York ... Radhika kept staring at him ....

- Mrs: Honored  to meet you ...

- Radhika: Thank you ... Kabir, let's leave the place!  ...

- Kabir: Why ? dinner is on his way aren't you hungry? 

- Radhika: I am not hungry let's go and stop telling the story of your life ...

- Kabir: She is my friend and we have not met for a long time. I will not leave the place before I finish my conversation and have the special Swiss dinner ...

- Radhika: then stay with your friend alone ...  I will leave..and then go and find out where you will spend your night!  ... and she  left the restaurant ....

- Radhika left the restaurant angry, she was trying to find a taxi to back  to the hotel until a luxurious car stopped in front of her..one of them opened the windows ... “I would like to take you to somewhere ma'am” ...

- Radhika: Yes to the hotel ...   After a while of her ride, she noticed something strange that did not reassure her heart, so she asked the driver to drop her down, but he refused. She tried to scream, but someone put something on her to take her for granted ....

After Kabir finished his dinner and his deep conversation with his old friend, he remembered that Radhika was angry with him ... “I committed a great sin that was spent on me ... He tried to call her again and again, but she did not answer him ...” Oh Radhika is not the time for jealousy please  “Give up and leave for the hotel ...

- After he arrived, he went to their room, knocked on the door several times, but no one answered..Try to talk to her .. “Radhika, open the door, please, I am tired. It is not the time for your stubbornness. Open the door, I beg you.” ... After several attempts, he got angry and opened the door ..  he was surprised that the door was not closed, meaning that Radhika was not in the room, he went to look for her and did not find her..and went to the reception to ask about her, and the secretary told him that she had not returned here since she left the hotel in the morning ...

- Kabir speaks to himself: Oh my God!  Where is it possible that she went at this late time? I hope that she is fine ... But whyI feel that she is in danger and that she needs me ?!

The forgotten promise ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now