Epilogue: The Final Record

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(One part of Fire Emblem I enjoy is seeing what happened to everyone at the end. This is no different. So, if you are curious about what happened to the other characters at the end of this story, here it is! With that, the book is finished! Enjoy!)

           Nina was able to write the final records of the royal families and allow others to read it. She first gathered the information about those who have fought the Agarthans and the ones who are special descendants as well.

Syrene had given her life to save the princess and ensure that her little sister, Vanessa, would live on.

Gilliam had died by fighting at Innes's side without any regrets. His body and Syrene's were buried at the castle's courtyard.

Forde's body was not able to be recovered. His name was almost forgotten to history, but only a few knights and his family were able to recall his story. Tales of his bravery were passed down.

Knoll's body was taken from Jehanna to be buried at Grado and given the highest honor. A statue was built along with many historians trying to complete his work to the best of their ability, but it wasn't possible in the end.

Rennac had given his life to his kingdom. His body was buried in a massive grace which held many fallen soldiers from both sides of the conflict. Many mercenaries recall him as the Servant to the Sword for serving the princess and honoring his contract with her till the end. They always talk about his mercenary life.

Dozal had fallen in trying to protect the castle. He was knocked down and taken out in the end. Although he tried to fight back, he could not fully protect the princess's life. His body was also buried in the massive grave.

Leia and Han escaped and went into hiding after that. There are no record about them, but there are rumors that they were living in a village together. They even had a child who has powers similar to that of Leia's twin brother, Luke.

As for Luke, he did die protecting his twin sister and their friends from Sheeve's attack. Because of Like's death, life began to grow brightly and flourished in a greater life during the whole time he had lived.

Artur had taken Lute away from the castle as Princess L'Arachel ordered. He continued to pray to the gods and goddesses and became a priest. He even married Lute, but he was saddened by the death of their princess. Lute continued to research magic, but she never performed the magic again. No one knew she was the descendant of the Ice Tome of Europa. Though, her descendants was said to be very talented with magic and wise with her studies.

Kyle had to hide away from everyone for a very long time. He looked very different to his friends. He did tell Forde's little brother, Franz, about what his older brother, Forde, had down for his kingdom and family. Then, Kyle hide himself away from everyone again.

Ross reunited with his father, Garcia. The two of them left their home and went to live in a normal village which is far away. The two of them defended the village together from monsters.

Neimi and Colm fled from Europa and decided to Colm's home in Latin America together. They lived away from conflict and fears. Colm was even able to pass down the Daggers of Latin America down to their descendants. The descendant would later take part in saving the world with his distant grandmother's kindness and bravery to help his friends and others in need.

Franz and Amelia both heard of what had be fallen on their friends and the royal families. Instead of vowing revenge, Franz choose to live a simple life in a village between Grade and former Renais. Amelia decided to never fight again, so she became a farmer. Franz decided to protect their new home. The two of them were wed and lived together till the end.

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