Chapter 5: Awaken

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(And another chapter! This is the epic moment we've all waited for! To awaken their powers! Friendly reminder, this is their ancestors! I really had fun writing them! Such a good cast! I hope Nintendo remakes this game! Though, we might get a Genealogy remake first. Enjoy!)

                          Lyon awoke to find himself with his knights looking very concerned and worried.

"What happened to me?" Lyon asked as he faced them.

"You used a lot of dark magic and defeated those who attacked us" Duessel answered as Knoll helped Lyon sit up.

"I didn't mean to do that. I only wanted to help you all. You are very important to me, my kingdom, and my father. I couldn't let anything bad happen to you. I'm sorry" Lyon admitted sadly.

Amelia squeaked out bravely, "And you did, your highness! Yes, it was very dangerous, but you protected us! You gave it your all! Thank you, Prince Lyon!"

The prince was very surprised by her outburst as he looked at the other knights for confirmation.

"You did perform amazingly. You just need to practice. You will be a great force to be reckon with soon enough, my prince!" Duessel said with pride in his voice.

Cormag nodded his head as he gave his input, "You are truly a strong prince. You will even become a strong king one day. I hope I will be there to see if happen as a knight"

Lyon then turned his head to his teacher. Knoll could only smile at the young prince.

"You will need to continue your studies and practice your dark magic. I am confident that you will become a wonderful king who will rule and love with just" Knoll said as Lyon began to cry happily.

He did not believe he would be this amazing prince in their eyes. Now, he was going to go forward and make sure he could become a great king in their eyes.

"Now that you finally see how great you are and will become, it is time for you to obtain my power!" a voice boomed in Lyon's head.

Lyon looked up and searched for the voice. He looked at the forest and marched through it without hesitation.

Joshua's group made their way through the mountains and found themselves in a snowy field. Ewan was kicked the snow in the air while Gerik was chatting with Tethys and Marissa. Saleh was talking to Natasha about her tome and powers. Joshua felt very lucky. He didn't believe a prince like him could have such wonderful friends.

He smiled as he continued to walk after them until a voice spoke softly, "I see that you value your deep bonds with your friends. I do find that admirable. Come! It is time for you to awaken your bond with me!"

Joshua turned his head to see if he could find the source of the voice. He saw a path through the snowy forest and shrugged. He made sure that he had his sword with him and walked through the path.

Natasha saw him and was about to chase after him as Saleh said calmly, "You don't have to worry. He will be just fine. He has been waiting for this moment since we left the castle"

The group decided to set up camp and wait for Joshua to return when he is ready.

As Innes and Tana were marching forward, the two of them heard a pair of kind voices call out, "The Royal Siblings of Frelia. We have seen your kind actions towards each other and your people. Please come forth and obtain your power"

Tana jumped off her Pegasus in delight as she took her lance. The siblings looked towards the river and knew they had to follow it.

"Moulder, we will return. Please stay here while we depart" Innes said with a smile as he held his bow.

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