Notes for This Story

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Alright, the prequel to the Three Houses Story! I wrote this out by hand, so I am very relieved to finally type it up and present it to all of you! 

Now before we being, just to mention this, you don't need to have read A Trio of Heroes before this. You can start with this book, if you did read A Trio of Heroes, that is also fine! 

Also, I prefer to write happy endings, but if you know how A Trio of Heroes goes, and if not, then SPOILERS! DON'T READ WHAT I AM ABOUT TO WRITE! Then you know that Ephraim, Eirika, and their friends died. This story will be about this, so this really won't have a happy ending. I apologize for that, but this is how the story is going to go. 

Without further ado, let's begin! 

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