Chapter 16: Their Final Stand

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(With that, this is the final chapter, not including the epilogue. I was really trying to make this story something different than the others as well as emotional. This already has a sequel that is finished which is A Trio of Heroes. So, if you enjoyed this, you will enjoy that book as well. Enjoy the finale!)

         Joshua was panting heavily as he tried to stand up. He carried himself to the throne to sit and relax for a moment.

"I'm almost there... I'll see you soon, mother... Sorry about this... I didn't mean to join you so soon... I'm sorry, Natasha... I didn't mean to leave you with our child alone... But I hope you two will live a happy life filled with smiles and joy. I'll watch over you" Joshua said sadly with a weak smile as tears fell from his face.

Enki said calmly, "I am very honored to help you till the end. Let's give it our all"

Joshua looked up at the ceiling and grinned.

"It looks like I made the right bet. Thank you for staying at my side" Joshua said with a grin.

Then, Glen crashed through the ceiling on his wyvern! Joshua gasped as he stood up to face his final adversary with everything they had.

"What do you want?" Joshua asked as he picked himself up.

"I can't go back. Not after everything that has happened. I have to make sure my prince and brother are safe. I'm sorry about this, but you will have to die!" Glen stated as he charged at them!

Joshua jumped away and rolled towards the exit. He looked at Glen as he crashed into the throne! Joshua couldn't believe how strong this guy was! However, Glen broke through the debris of the broken throne! Joshua groaned as he ran down the hallway. Glen was able to fly after him. Joshua continued to run down the hallway.

"I have to do something to stop him. He can't find the spring nor kill my friends and family. I just have to take a gamble at the right moment" Joshua whispered to himself as he ran down to the broken room.

He looked back to see Glen chasing after him. Then, at the last second, Joshua ducked and rolled away from Glen! As for Glen, he had no choice but to pull his wyvern up to the air to avoid crashing into anything! Joshua then struck Audhulma on the wyvern's tail to hold onto it! Glen gasped as his wyvern let out a pained cry!

"Sorry, but I won't let you hurt anyone I care about nor let you find the spring! You're facing me!" Joshua said seriously as he pulled himself onto the back of the wyvern and faced Glen.

"Fair enough, I guess we both can't go back. We can only press forward and fight to see who will win" Glen said as he held his silver lance.

Joshua pulled Audhulma and raised it at his side as he faced Glen, the two of them clashed their weapons as they refused to give up. Joshua had to trap or stop Glen from finding the spring.

"Give me the power I need to stop him, no matter what happens to me" Joshua whispered as he felt a strong power growing inside himself.

a strong red light shined from Joshua as he let out a powerful yell. He drew his sword back and then swung his sword to knock Glen off his wyvern! Then, Joshua jumped after him! The two of them hit the ground as the wyvern disappeared. Joshua picked himself up as he saw Glen on the ground and beside his lance.

"Are you done now?!" Joshua shouted at Glen.

Glen stood up as he picked his silver lance.

"No, I'll keep fighting you till the end" he said as they charged at each other.

Joshua was glowing red as he swung his sword at Glen. Glen was too weak to up much of a fight since he was injured from the fall. Joshua then quickly swung his blade to strike Glen down! Joshua then stood behind Glen with Audhulma and blood dropping from it. He didn't need to look to know that Glen was finally dead. There was thud as Joshua turned to see Glen on the ground. Blood poured from his large cuts on his body. his silver lance no longer shines with the power of the gods. Joshua was gasping in pain as blood began to drip from his body. he let out a yell of pain, sadness, and anguish. He couldn't believe this terrible war happened. Then, he heard a stamped of troops coming towards him.

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