Prologue: The Legend

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(Yay! We are here! One important difference between writing by hand and text is the amount of pages. By hand, this took about ten pages to write. On a Word Doc, this is about 2 pages.... Kind of funny and sad. However, if anyone is wondering why Scared Stones and Three Houses, well, I played both games around the same time. I noticed both games had about the same number of main characters and parallelism. I thought they would work well together! Well, enjoy!)

              As class was going on, Byleth was taking notes while Claude was messing around in his notebook.

"Ah! Mr. Von Riegan! Is there a reason you are not paying attention to my class?" Mr. Hanneman asked as he stared down the mischievous student.

As most of the students burst into a fit of laughter at them, Byleth just sighed as he missed the side comments his partner would talk about.

"Actually, Mr. Hanneman, I do know a lot about this part of history. I am from the Leicester Alliance which was Frelia and the former home to the Royal Siblings, Princess Tana and Prince Innes. In fact, you, my classmate, and the rest of the staff should be aware that I am a descendant of the Royal Siblings!" Claude pointed out with a smirk on his face.

The class was silent as Mr. Hanneman said "Well, if you know so much about them, then please Claude, share your side of the story"

Claude just smiled as he walked to the blackboard and wrote "The Real History of Fóldan 101! By the amazing Claude!". Claude placed the piece of chalk on the desk and turned to face the class as he cleared his throat.

Long ago, Fóldan was called Magvel. The Leicester Alliance was originally Frelia, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus was Jehanna, and the Adrestian Empire was Rausten. As for Grado and Renais, both kingdoms were disbanded after their families disappeared or were killed, so their territories were taken by all three kingdoms. What happened to their royal families? Well, Renais, Grado, Frelia, Rausten, and Jehanna were very good allies with each other. Their royal families even had good ties to the Empires of Dreams and Nightmares and the royal family from Creamland. However, special items holding unique powers were tossed along with a new growing power of using the gods and goddesses. People from these could form a proper bond with the gods and goddesses. Though, this was not perfected fully. There were a few side effects to using the power of the gods and goddesses unless done properly. The fathers of the kingdoms had to travel to the center of Europa and form a strong bond with them at a center location with certain items. The fathers then used these powers to protect and defend their homes from harm.

Then, the King of Grado, Vigarde, allowed his son, Lyon, to be visited by the royal family of Renais. Lyon was sitting in the garden and reading a book. He wore a purple rob and night clothes. He had a silver band wrapped around his forehead to have his hair out of his face. Then, he heard footsteps coming towards him.

"Ah! You must be Lyon!" a young lady with long blue hair exclaimed as she saw the young purple haired prince, "I'm Eirika! I'm one of the royal siblings of Renais!"

She took a small bow. She had a long blue dress and had a pair of blue slippers. Lyon blushed at her. She was so cute to him.

"Eirika!" Don't run off like that! We can't get separated from Sir Seth!" her twin brother yelled as he stormed into the garden.

The twin to Eirika was a bit taller than her. They had the same blue hair and eyes. He wore a blue shirt with silver armor, black pants, and brown shoes.

"Oh! Lyon! This is my twin brother, Ephraim!" Eirika introduced as Ephraim sighed at his twin sister.

Ephraim extended his hand to Lyon and said, "I'm Ephraim"

Lyon hesitantly extended his hand and took Ephraim's. He shook Lyon's hand in a strong grip, much to Lyon's surprise. Then, a young knight with red hair and armor marched into the garden as their fathers followed him.

"There you two are! I was worried! You cannot run off like that!" the knigh scolded seriously as the twins.

The both apologized to him as their fathers looked at their children and grinned.

"They're not hurt, Seth. Please calm down. Just watch over them now while we continue our meeting" the King of Renais reassured the knight.

Seth took a bow as Eirika and Ephraim looked at Lyon's book. The three young children became fast friends. The two kings then went to the throne room with two other kings and a queen.

"Sorry about that. We just had to make sure our children were safe" the King of Renais said.

The desert queen with long red hair wearing a dark blue dress reassured him, "It is fine, Fado. I can relate. My son sneaks out so many times to play with his friends"

Their meeting continued as they were discussing something important.

"People from our lands are waking up and forming strong bonds with the gods and goddesses. We need to find a cure and proper way to form these bonds" the King of Frelia said gravely.

Vigarde said, "I have had my best mages working on this. Sor far, one break through we've had is to have a person use an item. This item can allow a person to bring their god or goddesses into the world. Though, we still need to find the spring"

The rulers agreed to this and then, they had their mages create items to give to people to talk to their gods and goddesses. However, some people began to see this as a chance to gain power and destroy the royal families. Unbeknownst to the royal families, they were also searching for the same spring to bond with their gods!

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