Chapter 7: A Few Years Later

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(A bit of a short chapter, but trust me, we are getting into the darker and more destructive chapters of this series. This is just the tip of the iceberg for what is coming for this book. This is one of the few books that I write that will not have a happy ending. For enjoy)

                      As a few years passed, everyone was busy with their own personal goals. Innes and Tana were working hard to become the future rulers of their kingdoms. Innes and L'Arachel were engaged and were parents to a lovely pair of twins. They were now discussing ways of ruling Rausten and having a strong relationship with Frelia and Renais. L'Arachel was adjusting to her life becoming queen, wife, and mother, but she ventures out from time to time. Tana was so thrilled that Ephraim proposed to her and wanted to rule together. Tana vowed to become a wonderful queen and wife to him. As for Ephraim, he was very grateful that Tana accepted his proposal and was a bit nervous about becoming a king and husband. As long as Tana is with him, he should be fine. Joshua stopped travelling outside of his country and married Natasha. The two of them then had a child together. As for Eirika, she and her father had assumed Lyon would want to marry Eirika. However, they had declined Eirika's hand in marriage and ceased contact with the rest of the countries for some reason! With that, Eirika was allowed to marry whoever she wished. She decided to marry Seth. He was very surprised to hear her declaration, but he accepted it. The two of them were ed and had a wonderful pair of twins. Eirika helped Ephraim rule Renais as Seth commanded the army with ease. Everyone was peaceful until Grado began to launch an all-out attack on all the nearby countries!

"Why is this happening?!" Tana exclaimed in worry as she held Ephraim's arm and began to shake.

Eirika looked very panicked as she rushed to the nursery to check on her children.

"Ephraim please let my children escape! I'll stay with you, but please let them escape!" Eirika pleaded.

Before the two of them could talk, they heard a strong cough from behind. They saw their weak father.

"Giving you and your sister enough time to flee to Frelia. Your marriage to Tana and the king being great friends with me should allow you to be safe" their father said strongly.

They were both horrified to hear his grave words.

"Seth, please get them away from here as I and the rest of the knights hold off the rest of Grado's army. We will make sure you get away. Now, go!" the King of Renais said seriously.

Tana pulled Ephriam after her as Seth carried Eirika and their children away!

"I may remain with you, forever. Now, live on!" the King of Renais declared loudly as he went to get his knights together.

Seth arrived at the stables with Tana behind.

"Franz, Kyle, Forde! We have to go!" Seth declared loudly as he placed Eirika and their kids on the horse.

The group fled their home to escape the Grado Army. Joshua's homeland was also being invaded!

"Crap! Where are the reinforcements?!" Joshua shouted as he cut down one troop.

"I don't know! I think we need to get out of here!" Gerik yelled as he tried to keep fighting.

Then, a ring of fire appeared around them. Ewan and Saleh appeared by them.

"We have to retreat back to the castle. There are too many troops here!" Saleh yelled as he cast a powerful dark spell to knock a wave of troops back.

Joshua didn't want to leave, but Gerik picked him up and carried him away!

Ewan began to glow a red light as he yelled, "Simut! Burn them away!"

He waved his hand to unleash a strong, wave of fire to burn the troops. They went inside the castle. Queen Ismaire was talking with Natasha and her child. Tethys and Marissa waved to them as Gerik placed Joshua down.

"Mom! Where are the reinforcements?!" he shouted at her as he ran towards her.

She shook her head at him.

"I will stay here and make sure you and Gerik's mercenary group escape this place! Cormag!" Queen Ismaire shouted as the doors opened to reveal Cormag and his wyvern.

"We have to go. More troops are coming!" Cormag shouted as his wyvern roared.

"Fine. They can leave. They can also take my wife and child away. They need to be safe. I'll stay here with my mother and people to fight back" Joshua said as his mother shook her head.

She gestured to Gerik's mercenary group to follow. Cormag and pulled Natasha and her child close to them.

"My family. I love you dearly. I will do everything I can to protect and love you. I am just so sad that I won't be there to see you rule and my grandchild grow up" Queen Ismaire said sadly as she silently cried.

Joshua was shaking as Natasha cried and held her child close.

"Gerik! Marissa! Take them to Rausten!" the queen shouted as Gerik took Joshua as Marissa helped Natasha and the child step on the wyvern.

Joshua struggled to break from Erik's hold and screamed out for his mother. Cormag led the group away from Jehanna and to Rausten. Natasha was crying as she held their sleeping child.

Joshua continued to cry and scream as Gerik yelled, "Saleh! Put him to sleep!"

Saleh opened his tome as a gray light shined over him. He cast a spell to put Joshua to sleep. As the prince fell asleep, he looked at his hime and said his mother's name weakly. The group made their way out of their war-torn home and quickly made their way to Rausten. As Lyon entered the castle of Renais, Riev used his dark magic to hold the King of Renais back.

"Lyon, why? What did we do to anger you and your father?" the king asked with a weak cough.

Lyon laughed as he said, "I won't tell you, but we need to make a few changes for our countries, so that people will not have to needlessly suffer!"

He raised his hand to summon Orson, Valter, Glen, Selena, Caellache, Sheeve, Knoll, Duessel, and Amelia.

"We need to find the other royal families and dispose of them" Lyon said kindly as most of the troops agreed.

Knoll, Duessel, and Amelia couldn't believe how drastic their prince hand changed. They did not want to cause harm to them, but they were loyal to their prince.

"I will go after the prince of Jehanna. He fled with the traitor's brother! And, I want to get rid of that annoying prince" Caellache laughed in delight.

"You cannot go alone. You must go with Knoll and Glen" Lyon ordered.

The three of them quickly departed to Rausten. Lyon noticed that the royal twins were not here.

He shook his head and said, "I really wish I could've talked to them about my plans. I didn't want to harm them. though, that does not seem like the case anymore. Valter, Duessel, and Amelia will go after them. Try and bring the royal twins back. If you can't, then give them a quick and painless death"

The king could not believe what he was hearing! He protested this.

"The rest of you can patrol this place and Grado. Then, move to Jehanna. We are close to obtaining that country. Riev and Sheeve can search for the young and the hidden village. Now, go" Lyon ordered as they left.

Lyon then turned to the King of Renais and created a bolt of purple lighting.

"In order for my dream to work, you must not exist anymore. Goodbye, King Fado of Renais!" Lyon declared as he cast a powerful bolt of lightning through the king's chest.

The king gripped the bolt of lightning and gasped for air. Lyon pushed the king to the ground and walked away with a smile and tears falling from his face. His dream was coming true, no matter who had to fall for their course. As for the king, he questioned why Lyon was so sad for his dream. The king's final thoughts fell upon his children and their futures. He prayed for them to stop Lyon's plan and save the people. 

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