Chapter 10: Dark Times

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(To be honest, I don't know why I wrote short chapters sometimes. Like, it is important to a break from the action, otherwise character growth doesn't happen often. I really wish this game could be remade, but it sounds like Radiant Dawn is which is fine, I've never had a chance to play it, and buying one for the Wii is unreasonable. So, for now enjoy!)

                   L'Arachel was pacing around her castle as she hoped her friends would recover soon. She had not heard from her husband and their friends. She shook her head as she tried to shake off those dark thoughts. She couldn't fall into despair when her kingdom, people, husband, and children need her the most. She walked around the castle as Lute and Artur were practicing their magic against each other. Artur was preparing another spell as he received a powerful message from Leia!

"Princess L'Arachel!" Artur called out to her as he and Lute made their way to the throne room.

L'Aracehl ran to them as Artur waved his hand to create a white sphere to show Leia with Innes!

"Oh! My husband!" L'Arachel said in relief, "You're alive and your plan was successful!"

Innes gave her a calm smile as he replied kindly, "Yes, it did, my lovely wife. It could not be done without you either. Where is Joshua?"

L'Arachel informed him about their situation. Eirika, Ephraim, Tana, Luke, and Leia revealed themselves to his wife.

"So, let's recap. Who do have on each side? I have the royal twins, Luke, his sister, Colm, and my sister. Who do you have?" Innes asked his wife.

"I have myself, the Three Tomes of Europa, and Joshua. We will need some time to recover" L'Arachel answered.

Amelia soon awoke and looked at her surroundings.

"Are you ok, miss?" Franz asked with worry.

"Where is Sir Duessel?! I need to talk to the Royal Twins! It is urgent! Please!" she exclaimed as she clung onto him as Franz blushed.

"Oh! Uh! Well!" Franz stammered.

Kyle and Forde entered the room and were surprised to see the Grado Knight holding onto the young Renais knight.

"Wow! Good job! I'm so proud of you, little brother!" Forde cheered as Kyle pushed him back.

"Are you two ok? What's wrong?" Kyle asked.

Amelia explained to them what she wanted to do. The group went to a guest room where Seth was taking care of his babies and looking after Duessel. The doors opened as Seth held his son and gestured to them to be quiet.

"Is Sir Duessel going to be ok?" Amelia asked in a whisper as she bowed to him.

Seth placed his sleeping son in a cradle and answered, "Leia was able to heal all of his injuries without any issue. However, his silver axe was too damaged. He can't call upon the power of the gods anymore"

Amelia's eyes were wide with disbelief as Seth took the group outside of the room.

"Now, what else is going on?" Seth asked gently.

As the royal families and descendants were having their meeting, Seth pushed the doors open to let them in.

"Your highnesses! We have to tell you something important!" Seth shouted as he rushed to his wife.

"What is it?" Ephraim asked as he saw Franz helping Amelia.

"It is about Prince Lyon! And his plan! I know what he wants from us!" Amelia exclaimed loudly and nervously.

Everyone was surprised as she began to explain everything to them.

Prince Lyon was working hard with his father. One day, someone by the name of Sheeve arrived with something dark. After that Lyon began to recruit others who had strong bonds with the gods to his side. Then, they began to hang around Lyon more. Lyon slowly withdrew his normal knights and hanged around a group calling themselves the Agarthans. They began to take control over everything. Soon, Grado was becoming a cold place and everyone was keeping to themselves. Then, the letter for Eirika's hands came as they were trying to locate a hidden village along with a few springs. For some reason, Prince Lyon was upset and yelled out in pain about this whole situation. Prince Lyon completely rejected her proposal and vowed to destroy the rest of the royal families in hopes he could destroy the powerful bonds between the gods and humans.

Amelia finished explaining everything to the group as they were stunned and horrified. The royal twins couldn't believe their dear friend had changed this much. They wished they could've been there to help Lyon.

"What village is he after?" Leia asked seriously as she marched towards Amelia.

She was trembling as Franz stood before her to protect her from Leia. Before their conversation could get out of hand, the ground shook violently as their gods cried out in pain. Once the shaking stopped, everyone looked worried.

"What was that?" L'Arachel asked nervously.

"That was the spring. One of the springs was destroyed. The one in Renais" Romulus and Remus informed Ephraim and Eirika.

The two siblings were worried as Leia began to panic.

"If they are destroying the springs and killing the royal families, then they could be trying to find the dragon village!" Leia exclaimed with worry to them.

Prince Lyon departed from Renais after destroying the spring. However, he was surprised to not hear from Valter's group. Some of his generals were resting at their base, but Lyon couldn't help but wonder if Valter's group betrayed him. His head began to hurt as he recalled his friends and their time together. He couldn't understand this pain he was feeling.

"I have to continue my goal and stop them. I don't want to lose anyone else" Lyon whispered to himself in agony as he held his head in pain.

His god was worried about him and hoped he would stop all of this fighting. It will bring darkness. 

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