"Just an if" Lucia repeated.

"...Sounded like an interesting phone call" Alice said after a moment, leaning against the door of the break room, "here I was, thinking you were pro life."

"Oh, anti-abortion doesn't mean pro life!" She rolled her eyes.

"Hey, lower your voice, do you wanna get canceled on Twitter? Hell-they might cancel the whole bakery, this shit is controversial!" Alice smirked.

"Well-I just feel like there are better options than abortion. I'm not going to start a riot or anything though-people can do whatever they want, i'm not here to tell them what they can and cannot do." Lucia began.

"Especially if it was a medical emergency, or-or a rape. It's just, after so much loss...how could I not think like this?" She finished, "besides, it's more anti abortion for myself..and-well, I don't know how to explain it!-"

Alice looked at her with sad eyes, "I understand."

Lucia smirked, "oh, what happened, your goldfish died when you were twelve?" She joked.

"No, I was just saying you don't have to explain yourself-hey wait my goldfish did die when I was twelve!" Alice cried.

And as she was about to reply, her phone began to blare, "I CHIME IN WITH A HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF CLOSING THE GOD DAMN DOOR NO, ITS MUCH-"

"Jesus christ!" Lucia screamed, genuinely startled, tripping on some spilt cupcake batter and falling over, "what-gosh darn it Virgil!" She exclaimed, Alice having a severe moment of g̶a̶y̶ panic before laughing along with her.

"how do you even change a ring tone?! I just got this stupid phone a few months ago!" Lucia exclaimed.

"You okay?" Alice asked, grabbing Lucia's hand to help haul her up.

"Yep, it wasn't a bad fall, the baby should be fine.." She cleared her throat and shushed Alice, smiling as she answered the phone. "Hello?"

Her eyes widened after a moment, "is-is he okay?!" She asked, quickly grabbing her purse.

"He-he puked?" She gasped, "oh-no-i'll be there as soon as I can!"

She hung up the phone, and Alice looked worried, "Virgil?"

"Yeah, his school called, he must be sick, or having a relapse" she frowned, "my shift seems to be over anyways, so I guess I'll be off."


So, Lucia got to the school and into the nurse's office. She didn't question him about it in front of the nurse, she simply went inside and got Virgil, signing him out. Remus and Janus said that they were absolutely not leaving Virgil, so with the permission of their mothers, signed them out as well.

Once they were all settled in the car, Virgil laid his head on Remus, who was in the back seat with him, and fell fast asleep. He must've been exhausted. Maybe more emotionally than physically.

"So, what happened?" Lucia asked once they'd been driving for a while.

"He..he purged again.." Janus muttered.

"Ah." Lucia said in acknowledgement.

"Yep, all that progress down the drain." He sighed, "he was doing so well, too."

"Hey, there's always room for more progress! This was just a minor step back, i'm sure he'll be able to bounce right back!" Lucia exclaimed, looking on the more positive side, "and if he can't, that's okay too. I'm not expecting him to immediately get better. We can help him along the way."

"Yeah, you're right" Remus said, "I just hate to see him in pain..I wonder what triggered this."

"I feel so guilty, I left him alone at lunch!" Janus exclaimed, "someone probably said something that triggered him..lunch is a dangerous place to be alone at."

"Hey, Janus, at least you found him. We probably never would've known if you hadn't." Lucia said softly, "besides, i've already gotten him bookings for an official therapist, and some medications prescribed by his counselor. He can talk to his therapist about his eating disorder, among the many, many, other traumas he's had to face."

"That poor therapist-where will they even start?" Remus asked.

"Wherever both of them deem necessary" Lucia smiled, getting out of the car and walking inside with them.

"Yeah, you guys can hang around, maybe talk to Virgil when he wakes up? I know that a lot of people like to talk to friends rather than their parents. It might be too awkward or something, he may want to talk to you guys first" she said.

"Yeah, maybe" Remus said, "he tells us everything."

"Yes, but don't..don't pry, just give him time to process and let him tell you when he's ready." Lucia said, "well-at least that's what an article said-oh gosh, am I a bad parent? Having to refer to the internet for advice?" She asked herself.

"Hey, don't sweat it, my mom had to look up 'how to tell your twins apart' I feel like everyone has to refer to the internet for advice every now and then" Remus said.

"Yeah. You're right. I-I need to stress bake. And call Rose. And Alex, see how he's doing..he just moved into an apartment..well, off I go!" Lucia said, skipping into the kitchen.

"Okay, let's go see Virgil" Remus said, walking upstairs, only to find that he wasn't in his room...

"Oh my god, we left him in the car!" Janus exclaimed, running back down the stairs.

A/n: I need to move this story along already, so I might just do a time skip.

Not me having no idea how far along Lucia is.

Let's just go with 8 months, why did I even make her pregnant in the first place? XD

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