First Year

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For that Halloween, Ginny had planned what she wanted to think as the best Halloween. She had prepared the costumes prepared long ago to make sure nothing would be missing later, bought candy, and a camera so she could take pictures.

Everything would be perfect.

"Why are you the only one that gets to be a witch?" protested Draco from his store-bought pirate costume.

Ginny giggled in her pointy hat and way too much black tulle skirt, "Well, if we all went as wizards it would be too suspicious," smiling she put on him the eye patch, leaving her hands on his collarbone "It doesn't look too bad"

He gave a look to Harry that was doing a toddler version of a hop, his face painted white to match his bunny hat and white sweatshirt under blue overalls.

A pirate, a witch, and a bunny enter a room...

"We'll be the most mismatched family out there," he said with a resigned smile.

She raised her arms in triumph before going to pick up Harry.

"It still looks cheap!"

"We are cheap, Draco!"

They left the flat for Harry's first trick or treat, where Ginny had carefully organized their route, and Draco was almost convinced she had researched their neighbours for that, he wasn't sure he was more scared or intrigued by that thought.

"Trick or treat?" they said, as Draco helped Harry understand that he needed to put forward the pumpkin bag he'd been previously playing with.

"Oh! A little bunny! Here darling" Harry watched curiously as they gave him candy, eyes widening.

"Ah! Snack!" he exclaimed, trying to take the candy.

Ginny shook her head "Not yet, we need to go to the other houses now"

"Snack!" he protested.

"But if we go to the next house we'll get you more candy," she explained.

Draco, however, frowned, it wasn't usual for Ginny to be like that, from the start of the day she'd been way more agitated than normal, and at first, he thought she just really liked Halloween, but looking at it now, there was something more, she was awful at hiding her emotional state and something was bothering her.

Harry looked at him for help and he smiled "A compromise then? One candy, our last offer"

Harry smiled and dived for the nearest candy while Ginny glared at him instead, he wanted to ask why she was acting so strangely but she quickly turned and continued on the path of the next house.

"Trick or treat?"

This time Harry eagerly presented his bag, eyes shining and waiting for his snack, appeased by the promise of more. Ginny wanted to be happy, it fit her idea of Harry's perfect first Halloween and yet it only made her sullen, and that only made her mad at herself, making it all worse.

They went around the neighbourhood, Harry giggling at his bag, although it wasn't very big Draco had enchanted it so it could hold more and the toddler had liked that, humming to himself in between houses. Draco and Ginny however were oddly silent, Ginny going even as far as avoiding Draco's eyes on her the entire time.

Despite Draco's worries from before, people didn't seem to mind their mismatched costumes, they even received some compliments at some houses, although some kids had passed them by, giggling at the teenagers in costumes. Sometimes other people would stop and congratulate them on having a cute child, mostly other parents with their kids and Harry would hide himself on Ginny, causing even more compliments from them.

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