The Fight

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Ginny waited on the couch for the door to open, after the events of the previous day she knew she couldn't delay their conversation any longer. She had to discover who Draco Malfoy really was, let go of their dependency on one another once and for all. She could forgive the immature boy, she could not, however, accept the man he could be if he continued on that path.

And if what she found was that he couldn't, refused to, change then she had to let him go.

What did the Dark Mark mean to him.

And what did they mean to him.

It was the time for answers, the confrontation a necessary pain, and she was as ready as she would ever be. Now she could only believe in the person she had come to know.

She heard the door handle turning and raised her head, she observed him as he entered, looking dejected, clearly the day had not been good and it made her hesitate for a moment, but she reminded herself that she couldn't spend her life with someone she couldn't trust.

While he put away his jacket, she took a deep breath.

"Welcome back" she raised from the couch to stand in front of him.

Draco was surprised but smirked "No more silent treatment?"

"It wasn't working" she shrugged.

"Of course it wasn't working," he laughed "if you want to drive me away you need to be more creative Weasley"

His smile fell when she didn't answer, she just continued to look at him, her intense stare made him uncomfortable, she seemed to be trying to look into his very soul but it also begged for something he couldn't quite understand.

"We need to talk," she told him.

His mouth went dry but he tried to ignore it "That almost makes us sound like a couple, Weasley"

He tried to move past her but she prevented him, now glaring, her expression more dangerous.

"Stop joking about it!" she said.

It was his time to glare "I thought you'd find it familiar, it's what your brothers, the twins' ones, did all the time, no?"

"Don't bring my family into this," Ginny crossed her arms, their battle of will had truly started now "you're only trying to avoid this."

"Avoid what? Your senseless questions?"

Draco hated that the real reason was that he felt like crumbling, his whole past was put into question and he didn't like it, he felt too vulnerable, too out of control, if he was stripped of that part of him...

Then who was he supposed to be?

"Senseless? Do you hear yourself?" she felt the anger bubbling inside her "Why can't we just talk?!"

"Why should we talk? I thought we began this on a very simple understanding," he told her "We don't like each other, we don't have to like each other and that was it"

She let a sound of astonishment "Is this really all that you think this is?"

"What more should it be?" he exclaimed, "I already told you, we are not a family!"

So instead he lashed out against her, and she gave the same back, blinding rage from both of them as they tried to stand on shaky middle ground.

"I. am. trying," she said, her voice low, ready to implode "To understand you, why can't you think of someone else for once?"

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