Chapter 10

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(Apollus Prime POV)
The autobots stood around their base as Apollus Prime explained what they went through.

"So you guys jumped into another dimension?" Bumblebee asked.

"You went to another one where Arachnid was an autobot?" Chromia asked.

"And you became a cyber ninja in the process?" Novascreen Prime asked.

"Yeah I think that sums up about everything that happened to us." Apollus Prime said as he looked at the others who were with him and they nodded.

"So what happened here when we were gone?" Elita 1 asked.

"Yeah where are Sentinel, Ultra Magnus and the others?" Jazz asked.

The others all looked at each other before turning to answer the question for those who had been jumping between dimensions.

"They decided to infiltrate the Decepticon ship to get Optimus and Arcee back, but they haven't come back from the mission yet." Wheeljack said.

"Well we're going to need them we nearly got wiped out by the Decepticons if you guys hadn't come in and saved us at the last moment." Prowl said.

"Agreed." Novascreen Prime said.

"Now the question is who will be the one to get them back?" Springer asked.

"Easy that's going to be me." Apollus Prime said.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Bulkhead asked.

"Yes I've been trained further in the cyber ninja way so I know for a fact that I can do this." Apollus Prime said with determination in his optics.

"Very well then good luck on your mission Apollus Prime." Novascreen Prime said as Apollus Prime nodded and exited the base with the others all hoping the best for him.

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