Chapter 2

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These events take place directly after the mission from the last chapter.

"It was so cool when Blitzwing swung his blade at you, and you caught it and punched him." Novascreen Prime said as he spoke excitedly retelling the events of the mission to Ratchet as Moonracer and Jack stood by, Elita 1 could stand to be near Jack soon she took off as quick as she could.

When Novascreen Prime talked about Jack catching Blitzwing's attack, Ratchet looked up from the machine he was typing away on.

"You were able to catch Blitzwing's attack with just your hands?" Ratchet asked.

"Yeah he just swung his blade and I was able to catch it." Jack said a little confused why Ratchet was asking again.

"Did you sense any energy flowing through you when this happened?" Ratchet asked.

"Now that you mention it Ratchet I did feel something coursing through me when that did happen, why do you ask?" Jack asked.

"I want to test a theory, but it seems like you're unlocking the power of the prime, Novascreen Prime I would like to conduct the test with you as well. Ratchet said as he led Apollus Prime, Novascreen Prime, and Moonracer to the training area.

(Arcee POV)
Arcee and Optimus Prime had been tortured extensively.

Neither of them had cracked or given the decepticons any information about the autobots.

"Optimus what do they plan to do with us?" Arcee asked.

"I do not know Arcee, nonetheless we can't break no matter what." Optimus Prime said as Arcee nodded.

Then the door to the jail opened Megatron walked in followed in by Bonecrusher and Brawl.

"Grab the autobot." Megatron said as he pointed to Arcee.

Bonecrusher and Brawl opened up Arcee's cell and each of them grabbed Arcee by her arms with her still in stasis cuffs.

"Get your hands off me cons." Arcee growled at them as they carried Arcee out the jail.

Optimus Prime watched them take away Arcee and narrowed his optics at Megatron.

"You better not harm her or you'll regret it." Optimus Prime said angrily.

"You're not in the position to make any demands Prime." Megatron said as he left the jail.

"Please hang in there Arcee." Optimus Prime said to himself as he couldn't help, but worry about Arcee.

Megatron then made his way to Shockwave's lab and entered to see Shockwave and Scalpel standing there with Arcee restrained on Shockwave's examination table.

Megatron made his way over to Arcee who was being restrained on the table.

"You won't get any information out of me Megatron." Arcee said as she glared up at Megatron.

Megatron just laughed at what Arcee said as Arcee shuddered at his laughter.

"Who said anything about getting information out of you?" Megatron asked while smiling evilly.

"If you aren't going to get any information out of me, then what do you want with me?" Arcee asked as spat venomously at Megatron.

"We're about to show you." Megatron said as he turned to Shockwave.

"Lord Megatron the device is ready for testing." Shockwave said as he picked up the mind control chip.

Arcee's optics widen in fear as she realized what was going to happen as Shockwave approached her with the mind control chip.

(Jack POV)
Jack and Novascreen Prime were both training, Moonracer was slicing her blade at both of them while Ratchet observed it.

Novascreen Prime was having success catching Moonracer's blade while Jack on the other hand was struggling.

Moonracer sliced her blade at Jack as he trying to catch it.

Unfortunately Jack couldn't stop it as the blade sliced into Jack's hand and it started to leak energon.

Jack grabbed at his right hand which energon was leaking out of.

"Jack are you ok?" Moonracer said as she knelt down to look at the gash on his hand.

"I'm ok don't worry." Jack said as he looked at his concerned teammates.

"Let's get you checked out Jack, I think I've figured out what's going with you and Novascreen Prime being able to catch blades and unlock this power." Ratchet said as they went to the medical bay.

Ratchet had bandaged up Jack's hand and he was looking at scans he had of Jack and Novascreen Prime.

"I've figured out why Novascreen Prime is catching the blade more in comparison to Jack." Ratchet said as he turned to Novascreen Prime, Moonracer, and Jack.

"So why is that?" Novascreen Prime asked.

"You Novascreen Prime have already mastered the matrix of leadership while Jack you have failed to control the greater power that you possess." Ratchet said.

"What do you mean by greater power?" Jack asked.

"For some reason on your scan the matrix of leadership you possess contains more power than normal." Ratchet said.

"So what you're saying is that Novascreen Prime has already mastered his power while Jack has greater power in comparison, but he has failed to control it." Moonracer said.

"Yes Moonracer that is the case, however Jack seems to channel the power when he needs it the most and it is incredible what he could if he could channel it completely." Ratchet said confirming what Moonracer said.

Ratchet then turned to Jack, "Jack you have the power to be one of the greatest primes ever, you could rally turn the tide of the war for us." Ratchet said.

"Jack that awesome I'll do everything I can do to help you unlock your new power." Novascreen Prime said excitedly.

Jack gave Novascreen Prime a small smile before thinking about what Ratchet said.

"I have been given so much power and I've failed to master it. Am I really worthy to have so much power? If only Arcee and Optimus were here they would know what I would need to do to master this. Mom could help me push through this and would know what to do." Jack thought to himself as he hoped the three of them were doing ok.

(Arcee POV)
Shockwave had placed the mind control chip onto the back of Arcee's neck.

Arcee had struggled fiercely against the power of the chip for 15 minutes before her facial expression became blank and stopped struggling.

"Now Arcee who is your lord?" Megatron asked.

"You are my one and only lord Megatron." Arcee said as Megatron smiled evilly.

"Good to have you back in the Decepticon ranks Arcee." Megatron said.

"It's good to be back on my true side Lord Megatron." Arcee said.

"Now Shockwave release her." Megatron said as Shockwave did what he was told.

"Now Arcee bow before your lord." Megatron said.

"Yes lord Megatron." Arcee said as she knelt.

Megatron turned his back to Arcee, laughing that the chip had worked.

Arcee saw her opportunity and activated his blade swinging it at Megatron's back.

Megatron caught her blade before it could hit him.

"You thought you could fool me, Shockwave put her back in the examination table and work on the chip." Megatron said as Arcee was put back on the table.

Arcee growled at Megatron as she thought of Jack.

"Please save me before them can turn me to their side." Arcee thought.

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